19 Strategic Transport Schemes Update PDF 173 KB
A report providing the Committee with an overview on progress towards the delivery of the current programme of strategic transport schemes in Reading.
The Committee received a report that provided an update on the progress made towards the delivery of the current programme of strategic transport schemes in Reading. The programme included major enhancements to public transport and active travel facilities, aimed at encouraging more healthy lifestyles and helping to address the Climate Emergency. The programme included the following schemes and initiatives:
· Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) Programme
· South Reading Bus Rapid Transit
· Reading West Station Upgrade
· Tilehurst Station Upgrade
· Shinfield Road Active Travel Scheme
· Bath Road Active Travel Scheme
· Active Travel Behavioural Change Programme
· School Streets Programme
The report provided a summary of the position concerning the delivery of the individual schemes and initiatives listed above. At the meeting the Strategic Transport Manager provided an update on the ongoing work taking place at Reading West Station and informed the Committee that the footpath at the station was due to reopen on 20 November 2023 and that, following this, the nearby traffic management measures would be removed and the process to bring the new station building into use would start.
The Strategic Transport Manager also provided an update on the programme of works relating to the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) and reported that, on 1 November 2023, bus operators in the area had launched a ‘tap on tap off’ contactless payment system. To promote the launch of contactless payment an introductory offer of £3 for all-day travel, funded by the BSIP grant, would run until 31 December 2023. The statutory consultation for six proposed new bus lanes in the Borough had also started and would run until 7 December 2023. Plans for the new bus lanes had also been available to view at the various public drop-in sessions that had been held in relation to the draft Transport Strategy so that members of the public could see the plans and speak to officers about them.
Resolved - That the progress made on delivery of the current programme of strategic transport schemes, as summarised in the report, be noted.