Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU

Contact: Nicky Simpson - Committee Services Email: (  0118 9372112


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 99 KB


The Minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest


Councillor Rowland declared a prejudicial interest in Item 92 (230579/FUL and 230695/FUL – 109B Oxford Road) on the grounds of predetermination.  Councillor Rowland lived near the site and had previously spoken against an application for the premises.


Potential Site Visits for Committee Items pdf icon PDF 142 KB


The Committee considered a report setting out a schedule of applications to be considered at future meetings of the Committee to enable Councillors to decide which sites, if any, they wished to visit prior to determining the relevant applications. The report also listed previously agreed site visits which were yet to take place.


Resolved -    That no sites be the subject of a site visit.


Planning Appeals pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report on notifications received from the Planning Inspectorate on planning appeals registered with them or decisions made and providing summary reports on appeal decisions of interest to the Committee.


Appendix 1 to the report set out details of two new appeals lodged since the last Committee. There were no appeals decided since the last Committee in Appendix 2.


An update report was tabled at the meeting on the following appeal decision:




(220761/ADJ - Change of use of an established lake for recreation and sports purposes).

(Summary) 2 x Appeals against enforcement notices requiring the cessation of use for the land for watersports and remediation of the site.


Public Hearing.


Appeals dismissed and enforcement notices upheld.


Resolved –


(1)       That the new appeals, as set out in Appendix 1, be noted;


(2)       That the update report on the appeal decision be noted.


Applications for Prior Approval pdf icon PDF 167 KB


The Committee received a report on the types of development that could be submitted for Prior Approval and providing a summary of applications received and decisions taken in accordance with the prior approval process as set out in the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order (GPDO 2015) as amended. Table 1 set out six prior approval applications received, and Table 2 set out two applications for prior approval decided, between 15 December 2023 and 18 January 2024.


Resolved – That the report be noted.


Third Quarter Performance Report - Planning & Building Control pdf icon PDF 200 KB


The Committee received a report on the work and performance of the Planning Development Management team and Building Control team for the third quarter of 2023/2024 (October to December 2023) with comparison to the previous year.


Resolved -    That the report be noted.


230579/FUL & 230695/FUL - 109B Oxford Road pdf icon PDF 2 MB


230579 - Replacement shopfront, signage, and front forecourt modification (part retrospective) 

230695 - Change of use from Sui Generis (Betting Shop) to E(b) Restaurant with ancillary Sui Generis takeaway and canopy extraction to the rear of the property (part retrospective)


Applications Permitted


Additional documents:


230579/FUL - Replacement shopfront, signage, and front forecourt modification (part retrospective)

230695/FUL - Change of use from Sui Generis (Betting Shop) to E(b) Restaurant with ancillary Sui Generis takeaway and canopy extraction to the rear of the property (part retrospective)


The Committee considered a report on the above applications. An update report was tabled at the meeting which set out in full the conditions to be applied to the applications.


Comments and an objection were received and considered.


Resolved –


(1)          That planning permission be granted for applications 230579/FUL and 230695/FUL, subject to the conditions recommended in the update report and the informatives recommended in the original report, subject to the following amendments;


(a)          That Condition 3 (Materials) for 230579 be amended to change it from as specified on the plans and in accordance with samples submitted, to Materials to be approved;


(b)          That Condition 3 (Kitchen Ventilation System) for 230695/FUL be amended to reintroduce the details in Condition 3 in the original report regarding documentation and recording of maintenance and availability of maintenance records;


(2)          That the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection Services be authorised to make such minor changes to the conditions as may reasonably be required to issue the permissions;


(3)          That the materials be approved in consultation with the Conservation and Urban Design Officer and Ward Councillors.


(Councillor Rowland declared a prejudicial interest in this Item on the grounds of predetermination.  She lived near the site and had previously spoken against an application for the premises.  She made a statement to the Committee as Ward Councillor but then left the room and took no further part in the debate or decision.)


231821/REG3 - Coley Primary School, Wolseley Street pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Retrospective retention of existing 1 no. demountable modular (double) classroom unit and temporary permission to further retain the modular unit for 5 years and minor associated works. 


Application Permitted



Retrospective retention of existing 1 no. demountable modular (double) classroom unit and temporary permission to further retain the modular unit for 5 years and minor associated works.


The Committee considered a report on the above application.


Comments were received and considered.


Resolved –

That, pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, temporary (five years) planning permission be authorised for application 231821495/REG3, subject to the conditions and informatives as recommended.


231580/REG3 - 6 Circuit Lane pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Proposed wrap around single storey extension to an existing semi detached house. Frontage landscaping creating of a level driveway parking pad with a cross over to the road. 


Application Permitted



Proposed wrap around single storey extension to an existing semi detached house. Frontage landscaping creating of a level driveway parking pad with a cross over to the road. 


The Committee considered a report on the above application.


Comments were received and considered.


Resolved –

That, pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, planning permission 231580/REG3 be authorised, subject to the conditions and informatives as recommended.


231644/REG3 - Park Lane Primary School Infants Department, 55 School Road, Tilehurst pdf icon PDF 5 MB


Demolition of an existing modular building and installation of a double stack modular building (GIFA approx. 360sqm). Further internal refurbishment of a number of rooms within the existing main building with modifications to external areas, including new play areas, replacement boundary and internal fencing and a new pedestrian access off School Road, to segregate vehicles and pedestrians entering the site, with new staff car parking. 


Application Permitted


Additional documents:


Demolition of an existing modular building and installation of a double stack modular building (GIFA approx. 360sqm). Further internal refurbishment of a number of rooms within the existing main building with modifications to external areas, including new play areas, replacement boundary and internal fencing and a new pedestrian access off School Road, to segregate vehicles and pedestrians entering the site, with new staff car parking.


The Committee considered a report on the above application. An update report was tabled at the meeting which provided additional information on surface water drainage and impact on trees and ecology.  It recommended amendments to Conditions 3 and 15 in the original report.


Comments were received and considered.


It was suggested at the meeting that the applicant considered, if possible, installing the infrastructure for potential further electric vehicle charging points when installing the two planned electric vehicle charging spaces.


Resolved –

That, pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, planning permission 231644/REG3 be authorised, subject to the conditions and informatives as recommended in the original report, with the amendments to conditions recommended in the update report.


231707/REG3 - Park Lane Primary School Junior Department, 130 School Road, Tilehurst pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Replacement of current windows with  double glazed aluminium windows. Internal refurbishment works, demolition of annexe building on Downing Road and extension of car park. 


Application Permitted


Additional documents:


Replacement of current windows with double glazed aluminium windows. Internal refurbishment works, demolition of annexe building on Downing Road and extension of car park. 


The Committee considered a report on the above application. An update report was tabled at the meeting which provided further information on submitted amended plans and ecological statement and on additional information provided by the applicant.  It recommended amendments to Conditions 5, 7 and 8 in the original report.


Comments were received and considered.


Resolved –

That, pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992, planning permission 231707/REG3 be authorised, subject to the conditions and informatives as recommended in the original report, with the amendments to conditions recommended in the update report.