Agenda item


This report provides the Committee with an annual opportunity to review the Council’s Food Service plan.  The report also seeks amendments to the Delegations Register to ensure that the legislation is up-to-date and that officers are clearly authorised to exercise powers under Consumer Protection Act 1987, Animal Health Act 1981 and other legislation made under the European Communities Act 1972.


The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report which provided the Committee with an annual opportunity to review the Council’s Food Service plan.  The plan set out how the Council undertook its statutory duties to deliver safe food for Reading’s residents and was updated annually in line with the Food Standards Agency Framework Agreement on Official Feed and Food Controls by Local Authorities.  The Food Service Plan 2019 -2020 was attached to the report at Appendix 1.


The report also stated that the delegations register required amendments to ensure that the legislation was up-to-date in order that officers were clearly authorised to exercise powers under Consumer Protection Act 1987, Animal Health Act 1981 and other legislation made under the European Communities Act 1972.


(1)     That the content of the Food Service Plan for 2019/20 be noted;

(2)     That Delegation Register be amended as follows:

(a)   Addition of the following delegations to the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic  Services in consultation with the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services:

Power to institute legal proceedings under the following legislative provisions:

          Animals & Animal Products (Examination for residues and maximum residue Limits) (England & Scotland) Regulations 2015;

          Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008;

          Country of Origin of Certain Meats (England) Regulations 2015;

          Food Information Regulations (FIR) 2014;

          Food for Specific Groups (Information & Compositional Requirements) England) Regulations 2016;

          Genetically Modified Organisms (Traceability & Labelling) (England) Regulations 2004;

          Olive Oil (Marketing Standards) Regulations 2014;

          Poultry Meat (England) Regulations 2011;

          Quick-Frozen Foodstuffs (England) Regulations 2007;

          Scotch Whisky Regulations 2009;

          Specified Products  from China (Restrictions on Placing on the Market)(England) Regulations 2008;

          Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008;

·                Animal Health Act 1981;

·                Consumer Protection Act 1987.

(b)   Addition of the following delegations to the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services:

Power to exercise functions and to authorise officers to exercise functions under the:

          Animals & Animal Products (Examination for residues and maximum residue Limits) (England & Scotland) Regulations 2015;

          Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008;

          Country of Origin of Certain Meats (England) Regulations 2015;

          Food Information Regulations (FIR) 2014;

          Food for Specific Groups (Information & Compositional Requirements) England) Regulations 2016;

          Genetically Modified Organisms (Traceability & Labelling) (England) Regulations 2004;

          Olive Oil (Marketing Standards) Regulations 2014;

          Poultry Meat (England) Regulations 2011;

          Quick-Frozen Foodstuffs (England) Regulations 2007;

          Scotch Whisky Regulations 2009;

          Specified Products from China (Restrictions on Placing on the Market)(England) Regulations 2008;

·                Animal Health Act 1981;

·                Consumer Protection Act 1987.

Supporting documents: