Lead Councillor for Neighbourhoods and Communities


A)      Environment


(1)        To oversee the development and implementation of plans and strategies in the following areas:


·         Graffiti Removal Policy

·         Love Clean Reading


(2)        To be responsible for environmental maintenance and cleansing in the Borough, including:


·         Dog Warden service

·         Grounds maintenance and environmental maintenance of all Council land, including housing and parks;

·         Noise regulation

·         Public conveniences;

·         Refuse collection 

·         Recycling and refuse treatment and disposal (with Strategic Environment)

·         Street sweeping and cleansing;

·         Woodlands (see also Culture, Heritage & Recreation);


(3)        To promote good community relations and consultation, including the following partnerships (with Strategic Environment)


·         GLOBE Groups

·         Greater Reading Environment Network (GREN)


(4)        To determine the position of the Borough Council in respect of the Authority's responsibilities and functions under legislation governing the Police and Fire & Rescue Services, including all matters concerned with the administration of these services.


B)        Community Safety


(1)        To promote good community relations and consultation, including the following partnerships:


·         Community Safety Partnership, Delivery Groups of the CSP, and the Youth Offending Team

·         Safer Neighbourhood Forums (x9)

·         Safer Reading Neighbourhood Forums Group

·         Reading Neighbourhood Network

·         Berkshire Fire and Rescue Authority and Committee

·         Thames Valley Police and Police & Crime Panel


(2)        To oversee the development and implementation of the following corporate strategies and policies:


·         Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy

·         Community Safety Strategic Assessment

·         Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership/Community Safety Plan

·         Domestic Abuse Strategy

·         Youth Justice Plan


(3)        To oversee the development and implementation of a community hubs programme, co-locating services to improve service take-up and facilitate sharing of resources and the creation of vibrant public buildings


(4)        To ensure the direct provision of the following services:


·         Community Safety partnership coordination

·         Anti-Social Behaviour cross tenure service

·         Gypsy and Traveller liaison


C)       Community Capacity Development


(1)        To develop, co-ordinate and monitor a community development strategy for the Council, by:

·         co-ordinating community development opportunities

·         developing partnerships and working arrangements with other agencies and service providers

(2)          To develop a new public involvement strategy for the Council, exploring and promoting new ways for the Council to engage with local people, communities and stakeholders, including use of a wide range of consultation methods, and developing opportunities for devolving decisions to local communities (with Leadership)

(3)        To oversee the development and implementation of the following corporate strategies and policies:

·         Community Development Strategy

·         Consultation and Participation Strategy (with Leadership)

·         Social Inclusion Strategy, the promotion of co-operatives and closed-loop economies in local areas (with Leadership)

·         Thriving Neighbourhoods

·         Voluntary Sector Strategy (with Leadership)


(4)          To ensure the direct provision of the following services:


·         Community functions, including use of community halls and other community facilities

·         Community Enablement


(5)          To co-ordinate and monitor representation on outside organisations and Community Centre Management Committees


(6)          To promote community use of facilities provided by other public bodies, agencies or businesses.


D)         Equalities


To act as the Council’s ‘equalities champion’ promoting equal opportunities, and to lead on the general responsibility of all Lead Councillors to: 


To ensure that the Council’s functions and services are delivered in accordance with Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, having due regard to the need to:

·         eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act;

·         advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;

·         foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

·         act to any of the equality enactments as defined in section 33 of the Equality Act 2006, and do not discriminate against people on grounds of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, and age.


E)         Public Protection & Regulation


To oversee the development and implementation of plans and strategies and public protection legislation and services within the Borough:


·         Gambling Licensing Statement

·         Licensing Authority Policy Statement

·         Animal health and welfare

·         Functions under the Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licensing etc)

·         Caravan Sites/ Mobile Homes

·         Sex Establishments and Sexual Entertainment Venues

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