Location: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Reading


Committee AdministratorSally Poole - Committee AdministratorContact Form


Please Note:  The date of this meeting has been changed to Thursday 26 March 2015.

Access Arrangements

• Most of the meeting rooms in the Civic Offices are accessible to wheelchair users and an audio loop induction system is available in the Council Chamber and Kennet Room for those with hearing difficulties (a portable induction loop is available for other rooms on request - please contact the Committee Officer above if you need this service or any further information).
• If you wish to attend the meeting but have any individual requirements to enable you to do so please contact the Committee Officer above, as soon as possible before the date of the meeting.
• We can provide information in other formats (e.g. larger print, audio tape, Braille etc) or in other languages, upon request. Please contact the Committee Officer above if you need this service, giving as much notice as possible.