Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on an objection to Tree Preservation Order No. 6/22 relating to Land on the corner of Gosbrook Road and George Street, Caversham. A copy of the TPO plan was attached to the report at Appendix 1.
The report stated that, following the land being sold in 2022, tree works had commenced on the site and an emergency Area TPO (ref 3/22) had been served on 8 June 2022 to protect all Poplar trees on site until discussions with the new owner could take place and the condition of the trees established. Following service of the TPO, it had been agreed that one of the Poplar trees could be felled under the ‘dead dangerous’ exemption and permission had been given to fell three Poplar trees due to their poor condition under tree works application 221187/TPO. Replacements were required for all four trees and were outstanding.
One Poplar tree remained and a new, individual TPO (6/22) had been served on 7 December 2022 to protect that tree, with the Area TPO (3/22) being allowed to lapse, as of 8 December 2022.
The report concluded that the new landowner had had since 7 December 2022 to submit evidence to support the concern raised that the tree was dangerous, but none had been forthcoming. The TPO was warranted to protect the one remaining tree on the land until such time as evidence was provided, if at all, to demonstrate that the tree warranted removal and the recommendation was therefore to confirm the TPO.
Resolved –
That the Tree Preservation Order be confirmed.
Publication date: 26/06/2023
Date of decision: 31/05/2023
Decided at meeting: 31/05/2023 - Planning Applications Committee
Accompanying Documents: