Decision details

Climate Emergency

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing the Committee with a summary of the Council’s intention in respect of the motion that had been moved at Council on 26 February 2019 that had declared a ‘Climate Emergency’, the report also set out the intended course of action.

The report explained that in February 2919 the Council had received a petition from 798 residents urging the Council to declare a Climate Emergency.  A motion was moved at Council on 26 February 2019 confirming that the Council believed the world was now in a ‘Climate Emergency’ and committing the Council to play a full role in achieving a carbon neutral Reading by 2030.  The Council had instructed officers to report to SEPT and Policy Committees on further potential measures that could accelerate the timescale for reducing carbon dioxide emissions to zero by 2030, but recognised that this date could only be achieved with substantial policy changes from national government.  The Council had also requested officers to ensure that forthcoming revisions to the Local Transport Plan and Climate Change Strategy and any other relevant policy statements, reflected the urgency of the motion.  The Council had also instructed the Chief Executive to write to local MPs and to the Prime Minister and to relevant Government departments (DEFRA, MHCLG, DfT and Treasury) setting out the above requirements and the need for new legislation and financial support to deliver this radical agenda.

In response to a question by Tony Goodchild, Extinction Rebellion Reading, Councillor Page explained that work on the Climate Change Strategy was ongoing and included 127 actions.  The work would need to be done properly, be given appropriate and adequate time to complete and done in partnership, involving a range of officers and departments.  When completed the updated Strategy would be submitted to a future meeting.

Resolved -

(1)        That officers be instructed to submit a report to the next meeting on further potential measures that could accelerate the timescale for reducing carbon dioxide emissions to zero by 2030;

(2)        That the Chief Executive of the Council be instructed to write to local MPs, the Prime Minister and to relevant Government Departments setting out the requirements and the need for new Legislation and financial support to deliver this agenda;

(3)        That officers be instructed to ensure that upcoming strategy revisions including the Local Transport Plan and Climate Change Strategies reflect the urgency of the motion.

Publication date: 11/04/2019

Date of decision: 18/03/2019

Decided at meeting: 18/03/2019 - Strategic Environment, Planning and Transport Committee

Accompanying Documents: