Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Committee considered a report on the CIPFA Practical Guidance for Local Authorities on Audit Committees. Attached to the report at Appendix 1 were proposed revised terms of reference for the Council’s Audit & Governance Committee and at Appendix 2 a Self-assessment of good practice against the CIPFA Practical Guidance for Local Authorities on Audit Committees.
The report noted that the Guidance updated previous CIPFA guidance from 2018 and complemented the CIPFA Position Statement on Audit Committees; it also incorporated recent legislative changes and professional developments following the Redmond Review into the effectiveness of external audit and transparency of financial reporting in local authorities. Whilst it was guidance CIPFA expected that all local government bodies should make their best efforts to adopt the principles, aiming for effective audit committee arrangements. The report summarised the guidance relating to the purpose, independence and effectiveness, core functions, membership, engagement and outputs, and impact of the Audit Committee. CIPFA had endorsed the recommendation of the Redmond Review that the external audit annual report should be submitted to Council by the external auditor and the report sought the Committee’s endorsement of this change.
The report explained that a self-assessment using the CIPFA self-assessment tool had been conducted by Internal Audit in January 2023 and was attached to the report at Appendix 2. This had concluded that current arrangements partially complied with the guidance, with ‘moderate’ improvement required. One of the outcomes from the self-assessment review was to propose that the Audit & Governance Committee’s terms of reference be updated to those suggested by CIPFA for local authorities and the suggested revised terms of reference were attached to the report at Appendix 1.
The report noted that, generally, the current Audit & Governance Committee terms of reference addressed the core areas identified in CIPFA’s Position Statement but would benefit from updating to reflect increased emphasis in some areas and the inclusion of some additional areas. Areas for possible increased emphasis included organisational risk profile, value for money and an oversight role on fraud and anti-corruption and a broadened reference to internal controls and financial management. Possible areas for specific inclusion in the terms of reference included review of governance and assurance arrangements for significant partnerships/collaborations, considering the assurance framework and whether it adequately addressed the Council’s risks and priorities, detailing that both the Chief Auditor and External Audit had unrestricted access to the Committee Chair and an opportunity to meet privately with the Committee and also a number of areas relating to internal audit. The proposed Terms of Reference would also remove the decision-making powers of the Committee in relation to the approval of the annual financial statements, which would therefore revert to Council.
Resolved –
(1) That the key points arising from the ‘CIPFA Audit Committees: Practical Guidance For Local Authorities And Police’, as summarised in the report, be noted;
(2) That the recommendations of the Redmond Review that the external audit annual report should be submitted to Council by the external auditor be endorsed;
(3) That the Committee recommend to Council the revised Audit & Governance Committee terms of reference, as set out at Appendix 1, and the removal of its decision-making powers in relation to the approval of the annual financial statements, returning the latter to Council;
(4) That the Committee recommend to Council that the Audit & Governance Committee report annually in a public report on how it had complied with the CIPFA position statement, and discharged its responsibilities, including an assessment of its performance.
Publication date: 13/09/2023
Date of decision: 10/07/2023
Decided at meeting: 10/07/2023 - Policy Committee
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