Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing the Sub-Committee with an update on the Rights of Way Improvement Plan, which had been adopted as part of the Local Transport Plan in 2007, and the steps needed to review and update the Plan to reflect current and future use.
The report explained that local authorities were required to review the Rights of Way Improvement Plan after no more than ten years, and at regular intervals after, to ensure the Plan had remained relevant. As part of this process local authorities were expected to carry out a further assessment to ensure the Plan continued to achieve its purpose and to subsequently review the Plan and take a decision as to whether or not to amend it.
A number of public rights of way had been improved, or complemented, throughout the period of the existing Plan, including the opening of Christchurch Bridge, the installation of lighting in Kings Meadow, surface improvements, significant riverbank strengthening works along the River Kennet and private sector contributions towards improvements to the width and surface footpaths on the network. Evidence from the annual cordon count had shown that investment along routes connecting residential areas with the town centre and other employment sites had led to increases in the number of people using the network and how it was used.
In order to fulfil the Council’s duties and ensure the Plan remained fit for purpose, the report proposed that an on online survey should be carried out to enable the Council to assess whether or not the existing Plan reflected current and future use, as described in the Rights of Way Act. The proposed survey would collect information on how people currently used the network, including frequency, purpose, mode of travel and barriers to use. In parallel to the consultation assessments on the public rights of way network would continue to be carried out, including consideration of proposed development sites and potential improvements which could be funded or delivered through public developers. In addition, information would also be sought on any unclaimed rights of way that could be investigated and included as part of the network. Details of the consultation would be shared with local user groups, including the Mid-West Berkshire Local Access Forum, Access and Disabilities Working Group, Older People’s Working Group, Cycle Forum and the Cleaner Air and Safer Transport Forum. The results of the consultation would be submitted to a future meeting and a recommendation would be made on whether or not to amend the existing Plan.
Resolved -
(1) That consultation be undertaken informing the development of the next Rights of Way Improvement Plan, as set out in this report, be agreed;
(2) That submission of the feedback from the consultation to a future meeting be noted.
Publication date: 23/01/2020
Date of decision: 09/01/2020
Decided at meeting: 09/01/2020 - Traffic Management Sub-Committee
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