Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Further to Minute 4 of the meeting held on 15 October 2019, the Assistant Director of Culture submitted a report updating the Trustees on the pavilion improvement works and seeking approval to appoint a contractor and allocate additional funding for the scheme.
The report noted that at its previous meeting the Sub-Committee had approved designs for the pavilion improvements and authorised officers to procure a contractor to carry out the first phase of works. Planning consent had subsequently been granted on 12 December 2019 and a procurement process had been carried out. Following an assessment on price and quality and an interview with the lowest tenderer it was recommended that AYM (Services) Ltd be appointed to carry out the works.
The report explained that the proposed contract sum was £82k over the approved budget for these works and set out the reasons for this increase. The report proposed that an additional £82k be allocated to the pavilion works from the remaining £235k of unallocated improvement funds. If agreed, work was anticipated to start on site on 2 March 2020 and complete in early August 2020.
The report also set out the revenue accounts for 2018/19 for the day to day management of the Mapledurham Playing Fields. Following auditing by the Council’s accountancy team, these would be submitted to the Charity Commission.
Resolved –
(1) That the Assistant Director of Legal & Democratic Services and the Assistant Director for Culture be authorised to appoint AYM (Services) Ltd for £782k to carry out the first phase of the pavilion works, within the funding limits set out in the report;
(2) That £82k of unallocated improvement funds be allocated for the pavilion improvement works;
(3) That the Council’s accountancy team submit the accounts to the Charity Commission after auditing.
Publication date: 08/01/2024
Date of decision: 10/02/2020
Decided at meeting: 10/02/2020 - Mapledurham Playing Fields Trustees Sub-Committee (until May 2022)
Accompanying Documents: