Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Executive Director of Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing an update on the £9m capital investment in the Highways Maintenance programme and seeking approval for a reprofiling of the project given the current Covid-19 emergency situation. The report recommended reducing the Contract value of the minor road surfacing in year 1 (2020/21) to £1m with reduction to £0.25m pre-patching and reduced pavements / footways programme to £0.25m, making a total Year 1 value of £1.5m. Consequently, there would be an increase in Years 2 & 3 to £3.75m each year subject to capital funding being available. The implications of the recommendation were summarised as follows:
· the area of surfacing and number of roads & pavements / footways that could be resurfaced would be reduced by approximately 50% but it would provide a manageable programme should Covid 19 restrictions persist to later this year.
· It would still follow the contract tender preparation timescales being worked to for the current planned programme.
· The likelihood of delivering a 50% reduced programme in late Autumn would be more realistic and manageable with any slippage completed early Spring in March 2021.
· This option would also reduce the risk of causing too much traffic disruption by avoiding squeezing a full programme of works into a condensed timeframe.
· The contract programmes would be kept within separate financial years and half of the agreed year 1 investment would still be delivered.
· It should be noted that the current condition of residential (unclassified) roads that were originally included in year 1 would continue to deteriorate reducing the expected improvement in overall road condition.
· A reduced programme may increase the cost per m2 rate thereby reducing the total surfacing area and number of roads than could be resurfaced, which would reduce the expected improvement in road condition.
· The revised programme would provide flexibility should the Council need to review its capital expenditure plans as a result of COVID 19.
Resolved –
That Option 1, as set out in the report at paragraph 5.2 and summarised above, be taken forward which would implement a reduced Year 1 programme of £1.5m, with the balance of £7.5m being delivered over Years 2 & 3 subject to capital funding remaining available.
Publication date: 06/08/2020
Date of decision: 18/05/2020
Decided at meeting: 18/05/2020 - Policy Committee
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