Decision Maker: Traffic Management Sub-Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report giving details of the background to her decisions to refuse applications for Discretionary Parking Permits from a total of 21 applicants, who had subsequently appealed against these decisions.
Resolved –
(1) That with regard to applications 1, 3 and 19, a first discretionary resident permit be issued, personal to the applicant;
(2) That with regard to application 2, a second discretionary resident permit be issued, personal to the applicant;
(3) That with regard to application 6, a second discretionary resident permit be issued personal to the applicant, subject to adequate proofs being provided;
(4) That with regard to application 7, a first discretionary resident permit be refused on the grounds that the applicant did not reside in the zone;
(5) That with regard to application 9, a first discretionary resident permit be issued personal to the applicant, and two free Discretionary Visitor Books be issued, subject to adequate proofs being provided;
(6) That with regard to applications 10 and 16, a first discretionary resident permit be issued personal to each applicant, subject to adequate proofs being provided;
(7) That with regard to application 11, a first discretionary resident permit be issued personal to the applicant, and two free Discretionary Visitor Books be issued;
(8) That with regard to application 14, a first discretionary resident permit be issued, personal to the applicant subject to adequate proofs being provided and the applicant be advised by officers that they may be eligible for a Blue Badge under the Blue Badge Scheme and should be encouraged to make an application.
(9) That with regard to application 18, for a reduction in charge to £40 for a third discretionary resident permit, the application be refused;
(10) That with regard to application 20, onediscretionary Visitor Book be issued on a one-off basis only;
(11) That a decision in respect of application 21, be deferred until the next meeting and in the interim the current 10 temporary Permits be extended to cover this period. In addition, prior to the next meeting, officers carry out further investigations with the applicant in consultation with the Vice-Chair and the Lead Councillor for Strategic Environment, Planning and Transport;
(12) That the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services’ decision to refuse applications 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 15 and 17 be upheld.
(Exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 2).
Publication date: 09/10/2020
Date of decision: 16/09/2020
Decided at meeting: 16/09/2020 - Traffic Management Sub-Committee
Accompanying Documents: