Decision details

191265/FUL - St Paul's Church, Whitley Wood Lane

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Redevelop the site, creating a new Church Centre building, comprising Cafe, Worship Area, Meeting Rooms, two one bed residential flats and also a Health Centre Building


The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application.  An update report was tabled at the meeting which set out information on a further visual survey of an Ash tree to determine whether it had the potential to host a bat roost, and explained that amended plans had been submitted by the agent which included a reconfigured internal layout.  The update report also had appended a written statement in support of the proposal from Alok Sharma MP and a written statement from the applicant’s agent, DLK Architects, which had been submitted in lieu of speaking at the Committee.  It was reported at the meeting that an additional objection had been received since preparation of the update report but that the issues raised had been covered in the original or update reports.



Comments and objections were received and considered.


Whitley Ward Councillors Rachel Eden and Micky Leng attended the meeting and addressed the Committee on this application.


Resolved –


(1)      That the Deputy Director of Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services be authorised to grant full planning permission for application 191265/FUL, subject to completion of a section 106 legal agreement by 27 November 2020 (unless a later date be agreed by the Deputy Director of Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services) to secure the Heads of Terms set out in the original report;


(2)      That, in the event of the requirements set out not being met, the Deputy Director of Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services be authorised to refuse permission;


(3)      That planning permission be subject to the conditions and informatives as recommended in the original report.

Publication date: 24/11/2020

Date of decision: 07/10/2020

Decided at meeting: 07/10/2020 - Planning Applications Committee

Accompanying Documents: