Decision details

Adult Social Care Asset Review and Capital Strategy

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive Director of Adult Care and Health Services and the Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing an overview of the Adult Social Care (ASC) Asset Review and Capital Strategy and setting out a recommended option proposing the development of two sites to provide a consolidation of ASC services and enable housing opportunities to be maximised.  The following documents were attached to the report:


·       Appendix 1 – Detail of Recommended Option

·       Appendix 2 – Adult Social Care Pathway and Case Studies

·       Appendix 3 – Summary of costs

·       Appendix 4 – Adult Social Care Capital Strategy – Governance

·       Appendix 5 – Project Programme for delivery of assets

·       Appendix 6 – Images of current Adult Social Care Assets

·       Appendix 7 – Equality Impact Assessment


The report explained that the Adult Social Care Asset Review and Capital Strategy had reviewed Adult Social Care’s current assets to understand the suitability and condition of the properties, carried out a needs analysis to identify the projected needs in the medium to longer term and reviewed service delivery models.  This had been followed by feasibility studies of the available assets and options and consideration of broader options including the co-location of services both of Adult Services and Housing Services, to look at wider development opportunities, taking into account current and potentially available land and property assets.


The report set out the current provision, building condition and suitability to meet future need, projected need, and future service model for Adult Social Care services including Mental Health Supported Living, Profound and Multiple Learning Disability Day Opportunities, Respite support, Older Persons Day Opportunities and Housing Services.  A recommended option was set out for the consolidation of services over two sites which allowed the needs of Adult Social Care service users to be met and enabled housing opportunities to be maximised.  In addition, the proposed approach would release sites to provide further opportunities for development or to generate capital receipts to support the Medium-Term Financial Strategy.


The report explained that the recommended option would provide 74 flats at Battle Street split between sheltered housing flats and general needs, 35 places for Older Persons Day Opportunities, 14 Mental Health Supported Living Flats and 6 family size houses.  The Hexham Road site would provide 36 sheltered housing flats, 31 places for the Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities services and 9 Respite places.  The report summarised the benefits of the two sites for the proposed uses.


Resolved –


(1)      That the completion of the Adult Social Care Asset Review and Capital Strategy and its findings be noted;


(2)      That the recommendation to utilise Battle Street and Hexham Road sites to deliver both Adult Social Care and general housing provision be endorsed, subject to approval by Council in February 2021 in the HRA Capital Programme;


(3)      That the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services, Executive Director for Adult Care and Health and the Assistant Directors for Legal & Democratic Services and Finance, in consultation with the Lead Councillors for Housing and Adult Social Care, and subject to approval by Council in February 2021 in the HRA Capital Programme, be authorised to:


a)    procure a multi-disciplinary team to carry out all necessary work towards site development, including detailed designs, securing planning permission and assisting in the procurement of a main contractor for the development;


b)    appoint a demolition and main contractor to undertake all necessary works to deliver the proposal;


c)     allocate capital and spend up to £44 million (including contingency) of Housing Revenue Account (£38m) and General Fund (£6m) spend to deliver Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities day opportunities, respite, mental health supported living, older people day opportunities and new Council homes on the sites outlined in the report.

Publication date: 08/02/2021

Date of decision: 18/01/2021

Decided at meeting: 18/01/2021 - Policy Committee

Accompanying Documents: