Decision details

Allocation of the Community Infrastructure Levy 15% Local Contribution

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the 15% of collected Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to be allocated to the local area in which development had taken place.  An Equality Impact Assessment was attached to the report at Appendix 1 and a Summary of the outcome of consultation was attached to the report at Appendix 2.


The report set out the results of consultation undertaken on the provisional allocation of 15% local CIL and future priorities agreed at Policy Committee on 15 February 2021 (Minute 97), which were summarised in Appendix 2.  There had been a total of 171 responses and almost 70% of respondents had agreed with the proposed allocations overall.  18% of respondents had disagreed, whilst 11% did not know.  A number of comments had been made on individual proposals for spend, and these were detailed in Appendix 2.  The consultation had also asked respondents to rank priorities for future allocation.  Play areas and public open spaces was the top ranked item, followed by climate change and renewable energy and the natural environment.  Appendix 2 also set out ranked priorities for individual wards.


The report proposed a final allocation of £1.557m local CIL collected up to 31 March 2020 to various schemes across the Borough (see Resolution 2 below), with the balance of available 15% local CIL funding (£0.112m) to be carried over to be allocated in future years.  Two changes to the previous allocation of 15% local CIL were also recommended.  There was expected to be an underspend on Broad Street seating refurbishment, and a need for additional funds for the Dog Fountain project, and therefore a reallocation of £0.010m from one to the other was recommended.  An allocation of £0.050m CIL to Whitley Wood community provision had originally been intended to be used towards the development of a new church centre and health centre on the St Paul’s church hall site on Whitley Wood Lane, but it was likely that this development would not come forward for several years.  It was therefore proposed to allocate the funding for improvements to the nearby Whitley Wood Community Centre.


At the invitation of the Chair, Nick Jones addressed the Committee on a request for a pedestrian crossing near St Joseph’s School on Upper Redlands Road.  It was moved and agreed that the request be noted and included for consideration in the next round of locally CIL-funded schemes.


Resolved –


(1)      That the results of consultation undertaken on provisional allocations of 15% local CIL and priorities for future spend (Appendix 2) be noted;


(2)      That the following allocations of 15% local CIL collected up until 31st March 2020 be agreed, with a total allocation of £1.557m:


£0.075m for Borough-wide graffiti removal project

£0.050m for town centre monuments and statues

£0.100m for war memorials and public art

£0.100m for Thames cycle path in Kings Meadow

£0.275m for the High Street Heritage Action Zone project

£0.075m for Shinfield Road Recreation Ground improvements

£0.095m for skate park at John Rabson Recreation Ground

£0.095m for Waterloo Meadows play area improvements

£0.100m for Arthur Newbery Park play area improvements

£0.095m for Oxford Road Recreation Ground play area


£0.050m for pedestrian crossing on Norcot Road

£0.085m for Dover Street play area improvements

£0.002m for laptops for Coley Park Community Centre

£0.100m for Brook Street West improvements

£0.030m for Moriston Close play area improvements

£0.100m for Palmer Park play area improvements

£0.005m for Morpeth Close road marking

£0.050m for pedestrian crossing on Addington Road

£0.050m for pedestrian crossing on Church End Lane

£0.010m for lining alteration on The Meadway

£0.015m for landscaping improvements at South Whitley Park


(3)      That the relevant Assistant Directors be authorised to complete necessary procurement processes to deliver the programme of work;


(4)      That spend approval be delegated to the relevant Assistant Directors in accordance with the funds approved at (2) above and that any variation to the allocations above be delegated to the relevant officers in consultation with the Lead Councillors for Strategic Environment, Planning and Transport and Corporate and Consumer Services and the Director of Finance;


(5)      That £0.010m of the 15% local CIL allocated to Broad Street seating refurbishment by Policy Committee in November 2018 and amended by Decision Book in August 2020 be allocated instead to the Dog Fountain, St Laurence’s Churchyard;


(6)      That £0.050m allocated by Policy Committee in November 2018 to additional community facilities as part of, or near to, improved health care provision in Whitley Wood be used for Whitley Wood Community Centre;


(7)      That the request for a pedestrian crossing on Upper Redlands Road, in the vicinity of St Joseph’s, be noted and that it be included for consideration in the next round of locally CIL-funded schemes.

Publication date: 15/07/2021

Date of decision: 14/06/2021

Decided at meeting: 14/06/2021 - Policy Committee

Accompanying Documents: