Decision details

210018/OUT - Reading Golf Club, Kidmore End Road, Emmer Green

Decision status: Refused

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Outline planning application, with matters reserved in respect of appearance, for demolition of the existing clubhouse and the erection of a new residential-led scheme (C3 use to include affordable housing) and the provision of community infrastructure at Reading Golf Club.

The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application.  An update report was tabled at the meeting which corrected some errors in the original report, gave details of further comments received, gave further information on sustainability, healthcare, education and Section 106/CIL and amended Reason for Refusal 1 regarding loss of Undesignated Open Space and added an extra Reason for Refusal 6 regarding measures to adapt to climate change, decentralised energy provision and zero carbon homes. 

Comments and objections were received and considered.

Objectors Clare Grashoff, Helen Lambert and Steve Harcourt, supporters Richard Stainthorp and Stephen Lee and the applicant’s agent Jonathan Walton attended the meeting and addressed the Committee on this application.

Resolved    That application 210018/FUL be refused for the reasons set out in the original report, with the amendments and additional reason as set out in the update report.

(Councillor Carnell declared an interest in the above application.  Nature of interest: Councillor Carnell’s nephew was a member of Reading Golf Club.)

Publication date: 07/07/2023

Date of decision: 21/07/2021

Decided at meeting: 21/07/2021 - Planning Applications Committee

Accompanying Documents: