Decision Maker: Policy Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report presenting options and considerations for potential land acquisition for burials. Attached to the report at Appendix 1 was a summary of Options for Burials within 20 miles of Reading.
The report noted that a new set of Cemetery and Crematorium Rules and Regulations had been drafted and consulted upon and were being considered by the Committee at this meeting (Minute 32 above refers). Adoption of the rules and regulations had implications for the types of burial services the Bereavement Service would offer, as well as the longevity of the burial land at Henley Road Cemetery. Taking into account the new regulations and updated burial numbers the projected lifespan for burials at Henley Cemetery was five years within Westfield, and three years within Mayfield.
The report set out two adjacent land options for expansion of Henley Road Cemetery at Henley Road allotments and Caversham Park and summarised issues relevant to potential land acquisition for burials. Alternative options for Reading residents outside the Borough were also considered and set out at Appendix 1. Seven options were presented to the Committee, four of which were recommended to proceed to a comprehensive options appraisal: land acquisition in Reading, land acquisition within 10 miles of Reading, shared land acquisition with a neighbouring Local Authority and extension of Burial Land at Henley Road Cemetery – Caversham Park Only.
Resolved –
(1) That the currently available burial options outside of the Borough available to Residents and customers within a 20-mile radius be noted;
(2) That officers commission a comprehensive land options appraisal considering the following options for the provision of burial land: land acquisition in Reading, land acquisition within 10 miles of Reading, shared land acquisition with neighbouring Local Authority and Extension of Burial Land at Henley Road Cemetery – Caversham Park Only.
Publication date: 02/11/2021
Date of decision: 23/09/2021
Decided at meeting: 23/09/2021 - Policy Committee
Accompanying Documents: