Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report setting out a proposal to allocate approved capital budget of £891,000 in 2022/23 for essential playground works. Attached to the report at Appendix 1 was a list of proposals and their estimated costs.
The report noted that a review of all playgrounds in the Borough in 2017 had shown that an estimated £3.8m capital investment was required in the medium term to refurbish the play areas reaching the end of their maintainable lifespan. A growing population was adding to the demands made on leisure infrastructure, increasing pressure to refresh and augment facilities, particularly in larger parks. The Council was also committed to providing accessible play areas through its play area refurbishment programme. In December 2018, a capital bid had been submitted for £2.86 million investment in play facilities over five years, to be to be spent on sites most urgently requiring refreshment and on providing better facilities for people with mobility issues. To date, investment under this programme had resulted in schemes being completed or commenced at Blagrave Recreation Ground junior and toddler play, Palmer Park playground and Amersham Road gym station.
The report explained that the approved 2022/23 capital budget for essential playground works was £891,000, and outlined the proposed allocation to schemes at Coley Recreation Ground (£200,000), Victoria Recreation Ground (Gt Knollys St) (£231,000 capital allocation with an additional £44,000 s106 funding), Westfield Road (£200,000), Clayfield Copse skate park (£55,000) and John Rabsons Recreation Ground (£25,000).
The report also explained that £350,000 had previously been allocated for a new replacement playground in a new location at Prospect Park. Costs had been estimated in 2019 and since then raw materials costs had increased significantly, in some cases by more than 50%. In addition, submission for planning consent had highlighted issues with access that would require additional works, and replacement fencing was now required rather than re-use as originally intended. For these reasons, approval was sought for an additional £180,000 to complete this scheme.
Resolved –
That spend approval be given for the proposed allocation of £891,000 capital on playgrounds.
Publication date: 09/03/2022
Date of decision: 14/02/2022
Decided at meeting: 14/02/2022 - Policy Committee
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