Decision details

220258/FUL - 220 Elgar Road South

Decision status: Refused

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Residential redevelopment comprising demolition of existing single storey building and erection of 16 dwellings together with associated works (re-submission of application 210526).


The Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application.  An update report was tabled at the meeting which set out information on access to open space at Waterloo Meadows.


Comments and objections were received and considered.


At the meeting it was moved and agreed that the application be refused for the reasons set out in the resolution below.


Resolved –


          That planning permission for application 220258/FUL be refused for the following reasons:


(1)      The proposed development only includes one 3-bedroom dwelling, significantly below the policy requirement of 50%, and therefore fails to contribute adequately to the need for family sized accommodation contrary to Policy H2 (Density and Mix) of the Reading Borough Local Plan 2019;


(2)      The proposed development includes insufficient outdoor amenity space and is not reflective of the context of development in the vicinity, which would detrimentally affect the overall amenity and living conditions for future residents contrary to Policy CC7 (Design and the Public Realm), Policy CC8 (Safeguarding Amenity) and Policy H10 (Private and Communal Outdoor Space) EN9 (Provision of Open Space) and EN14 (Trees, Hedges and Woodlands) of the Reading Borough Local Plan (2019));


(3)      In the absence of a completed S106 Legal Agreement the proposed development fails to contribute adequately to the employment, skills or training needs of local people with associated socio-economic harm, contrary to Policy CC9 (Securing Infrastructure) of the Reading Borough Local Plan (2019) and the Employment Skills and Training SPD (2013), fails to adequately contribute to the Affordable Housing needs within the Borough contrary to policies CC9 (Securing Infrastructure) and H3 (Affordable Housing) of the Reading Borough Local Plan (2019), Affordable Housing SPD (2021) and Planning Obligations under S106 SPD (2015), fails to provide suitable mitigation for its impacts on energy use/climate change contrary to Policy H5 (Standards for New Housing) and CC9 (Securing Infrastructure) of the Reading Borough Local Plan (2019) and the Council’s adopted Sustainable Design and Construction SPD (2019) and Planning Obligations under Section 106 SPD (2015) and fails to make adequate provision for open space contrary to Policy EN9 (Provision of Open Space) of the Reading Borough Local Plan (2019).

Publication date: 13/01/2023

Date of decision: 07/12/2022

Decided at meeting: 07/12/2022 - Planning Applications Committee

Accompanying Documents: