Decision Maker: Chief Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Decisions set out in the book have been made
under delegated powers by the Chief Executive, Executive Directors
or the Chief Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer, in
consultation either with the relevant committee or Lead
This issue of the decision book will be in public circulation up
until Saturday 28 May 2022. During that period three Councillors
may request in writing to the Assistant Director of Legal and
Democratic Services that a decision should be referred either to a
committee, or to the Council (as appropriate) for formal
The decision book is open to public inspection at the Civic Offices
between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm, Mondays to Fridays and can be accessed
on the Council’s website –
The officer reports accompanying the decisions are attached.
Contact: Richard Woodford Committee Services
Tel: 0118 937 2332
This report sets out the decision to use the
latest round of Household Support Funding to support vulnerable
families and individuals from 1 April 2022 to 30 September
It is the decision of the Chief Executive, in consultation with the
Leader of the Council that the Household Support Fund extension
funding will be allocated as follow:
(a) A targeted Food Voucher Scheme for families with school age
children eligible for Pupil Premium Free School Meals, vulnerable
children up to nursery age and care leavers (1 x £15 voucher
per child) for the May half term (2022)
(b) A targeted Energy Voucher Scheme for families with school age
children eligible for Pupil Premium Free School Meals, vulnerable
children up to nursery age and care leavers (1 x £49 voucher
per family/care leaver)
(c) A targeted Energy Voucher scheme for all people receiving the
state pension who are on the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) or
in receipt of pension credit (1 x £98 voucher per
(d) Reading Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations to
support Reading residents with ongoing food, energy and living
(e) Support for residents with Housing Arrears
Publication date: 18/05/2022
Date of decision: 18/05/2022
Accompanying Documents: