Decision details

Results of Statutory Consultation - Proposal to Remove Cycling Prohibition, Reading Rail Station Subway

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Further to Minute 14 of the meeting held on 14 September 2022, the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted areport for the Sub-Committee to consider results of the statutory consultation and to consider the revocation of the Traffic Regulation Order that currently prohibited cycling along the subway.

At the September 2022 meeting, it had been agreed that officers carry out a statutory consultation, this was conducted between 2 and 23 February 2023.  A total of 554 responses had been received, of which 72.56% were in support and 27.44% objected.  The three common themes of objections were:

·         Cyclists already used the underpass and often at speeds which were hazardous to pedestrians;

·         The space was too narrow to be a shared space;

·         Pedestrians should have priority through the underpass.

A summary of the consultation responses was available in Appendix 2 attached to the report.

Resolved –

(1)     That the report be noted;

(2)     That the objections noted in Appendix 2 attached to the report be considered and that the revocation of the Traffic Regulation Order that currently prohibits cycling along the subway be agreed;

(3)     That the Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to make the legal revocation and that no public inquiry be held into the proposal;

(4)     That the respondents to the statutory consultation be informed of the decision of the Sub-Committee following publication of the minutes of the meeting.

Publication date: 26/04/2023

Date of decision: 02/03/2023

Decided at meeting: 02/03/2023 - Traffic Management Sub-Committee

Accompanying Documents: