Issue - meetings

221405/REG3 - Land At Battle Street

Meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning Applications Committee (Item 98)

98 221405/REG3 - Land At Battle Street pdf icon PDF 8 MB


Clearance and taking up of existing hardstanding and structures from the site, erection of seven buildings, up to four storeys in height, containing 49 affordable dwellings (Class C3 use), supported living accommodation (Class C2 residential institution use), and older persons day centre (Class E(f)), and associated roadways, car parking, open space and other infrastructure. 


Permitted subject to Legal Agreement


Additional documents:


Clearance and taking up of existing hardstanding and structures from the site, erection of seven buildings, up to four storeys in height, containing 49 affordable dwellings (Class C3 use), supported living accommodation (Class C2 residential institution use), and older persons day centre (Class E(f)), and associated roadways, car parking, open  ...  view the full minutes text for item 98