Issue - meetings

220189/FUL - 205-213 Henley Road, Caversham

Meeting: 31/05/2023 - Planning Applications Committee (Item 7)

7 220189/FUL - 205-213 Henley Road, Caversham pdf icon PDF 12 MB


Demolition of nos. 205-213 Henley Road and rear gardens of nos. 205-219 Henley Road and erection of 2 retirement living apartments blocks (C3 use-age restricted) including communal spaces with supporting car parking, open space landscaping and associated infrastructure. Access into the site from the adjacent development on Henley Road. 


Permitted subject to Legal Agreement



Demolition of nos. 205-213 Henley Road and rear gardens of nos. 205-219 Henley Road and erection of 2 retirement living apartments blocks (C3 use-age restricted) including communal spaces with supporting car parking, open space landscaping and associated infrastructure. Access into the site from the adjacent development on Henley Road.


The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7