Issue - meetings

231094/FUL - Hills Meadow Car Park, George Street, Caversham

Meeting: 04/10/2023 - Planning Applications Committee (Item 46)

46 231094/FUL - Hills Meadow Car Park, George Street, Caversham pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Proposal                   Temporary erection of ice rink, marquee structure and ancillary side stalls in connection with Christmas festival, for a period of time not to be before 15 October 2023 and not to extend beyond 21 January 2024 

Recommendation  Application Permitted

Additional documents:


Temporary erection of ice rink, marquee structure and ancillary side stalls in connection with Christmas festival, for a period of time not to be before 15 October 2023 and not to extend beyond 21 January 2024.


The Committee considered a report on the above application.  An update report was tabled  ...  view the full minutes text for item 46