Issue - meetings

180876 - Battle Inn PH, 2 Bedford Road

Meeting: 29/05/2019 - Planning Applications Committee (Item 8)

8 180876/FUL - Battle Inn PH, 2 Bedford Road pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Demolition of a public house (A4 Use Class) and erection of a part five/part four/part two-storey building containing a single A1/A2/A3 use class unit at ground floor and 6 self-contained flats (C3 use class) above (4 X 1-bed & 2 X 2-bed units) 


Application Refused


Additional documents:


Demolition of a public house (A4 Use Class) and erection of a part five/part four/part two-storey building containing a single A1/A2/A3 use class unit at ground floor and 6 self-contained flats (C3 use class) above (4 X 1-bed & 2 X 2-bed units).

The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the above application, for which an appeal had been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate against non-determination of the application by the Local Planning Authority, which would be heard on 25 June 2019.  An update report was tabled at the meeting which contained information on affordable housing and recommended an amendment to reason for refusal 2.

Comments were received and considered.

Resolved –

That, had the Planning Applications Committee had the opportunity to determine the planning application, the application would have been refused for Reason 1 set out in the original report and Reason 2 set out in the update report, with the informative as recommended in the original report.