Agenda and minutes

Venue: Concert Hall, Town Hall, Reading

Contact: Michael Popham - Democratic Services Manager  Email:

Link: Link to observe meeting

No. Item


Mayor's Announcements

To receive Mayor’s Announcements.


(a)      Order of Business

The Mayor used her discretion under Council Procedure Rule 5(3)(a) to change the order of business and took Agenda item 10, ‘Council Response to the Ukraine Crisis’, as Agenda item 6A, immediately after Agenda item 6, ‘Questions from Councillors’.

(b)      Reading’s response to the invasion of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 251 KB

The Mayor to sign the Minutes of the proceedings of the previous Council Meeting.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2022 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.


Questions from Councillors pdf icon PDF 321 KB

Questions in accordance with Standing Order 10.







Cllr R Singh

Kentwood Hill Allotments

Cllr Brock


Cllr Rynn


Cllr Page


Cllr R Singh

Fly Tipping

Cllr Barnett-Ward


Cllr White

Solar Panels on Schools

Cllr Pearce


Cllr White

Central Club Update

Cllr Brock

(The full text of the questions and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47.


Council Response to Ukraine Crisis

Councillor Brock to move:


That this Council notes that:


  • The invasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces has precipitated a humanitarian crisis.
  • The United Nations General Assembly has condemned Russia’s aggression, calling for both the full withdrawal of Russian military forces and respect for the sovereignty, independence, and internationally recognised borders of Ukraine.


This Council believes that:


  • Reading’s Ukrainian community requires support that is both expressed and material, and that the Reading Ukrainian Community Centre has shown leadership in providing such support.
  • Reading, as a recognised City of Sanctuary, has a duty and a moral obligation to provide support to those seeking refuge from conflict.


Consequently, this Council resolves to:


  • Formally condemn the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, in line with United Nations General Assembly Resolution ES?11/1.
  • Work with the Reading Ukrainian Community Centre and other partners to provide support for those seeking refuge.
  • Immediately earmark provision of £25,000 to support voluntary and community organisations working with, and additional Council service requirements for, refugees from the conflict.
  • Proactively approach the Government and indicate the Council’s willingness to play a full role in all appropriate schemes for resettling refugees from Ukraine.
  • Prepare to support, in additional to national schemes, up to ten families via the Local Sponsorship Scheme, acknowledging that details of the scheme are still forthcoming at the time of writing.
  • Reaffirm our commitment as a City of Sanctuary through beginning the application process for ‘Council of Sanctuary’ status.

The implementation of the above to be achieved by delegating authority to the Chief Executive, the Executive Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services, and the Director of Finance. Council further delegates authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to vary the above as additional requirements manifest.


In accordance with Standing Order 14(10)(a), Councillor Brock received the consent of the Council to alter his motion, as follows:

‘Following the sixth bullet point of the section which starts: “Consequently, this Council resolves to:” include three additional bullet points, as set out below, after the words “Reaffirm our commitment  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48.


Investing in Reading's Future: Reading Borough Council Corporate Plan 2022-25 pdf icon PDF 186 KB

Report by Chief Executive

Additional documents:


The Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report on the Council’s new Corporate Plan ‘Investing in Reading’s Future: Reading Borough Council’s Corporate Plan 2022-25’.  The report explained that the Council had adopted a one-year plan in March 2021, due to the level of uncertainty associated with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.  In  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.


Pay Policy Statement 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Report by Deputy Chief Executive

Additional documents:


Further to Minute 15 of the Personnel Committee held on 16 March 2022, the Deputy Chief Executive submitted a report outlining the draft Pay Policy Statement, which was appended to the report.  The report stated that Local Authorities were required under Section 38(1) of the Localism Act 2011 (the Act)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50.


The Global Covenant of Mayors for Energy and Climate pdf icon PDF 207 KB

Report by Executive Director for Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services

Additional documents:


The Executive Director for Economic Growth & Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the Global Covenant of Mayors for Energy and Climate (GCoM), which was the largest global alliance for city climate leadership, built upon the commitment of over 11,500 cities and local governments around the world. These  ...  view the full minutes text for item 51.


Special Council Meeting - 25 May 2022

Councillor Brock to move:


That the Council resolves to convene, on 25th May 2022, a special meeting for the purpose of considering nominations for conferring the title of Honorary Alderman or Honorary Alderwoman, in accordance with section 249 (1) of the Local Government Act 1972 and the criteria approved by the Council on 23rd February 2022, on the following persons:

(1)    Tony Jones, for having rendered eminent service on Reading Borough Council as a member for the Redlands, Battle, and Whitley wards, including two terms as Mayor of Reading and having held senior political office.

(2)    Jeanette Skeats, for having rendered eminent service on Reading Borough Council as a member for the Thames ward, including a term as Mayor of Reading and having held senior political office.

(3)    Joe Williams, for having rendered eminent service on the former Berkshire County Council as a member for the Katesgrove ward and having an exceptional record of community service and leadership.


Pursuant to Notice, the following motion was moved by Councillor Brock and seconded by Councillor James and CARRIED:

Resolved –

That the Council resolves to convene, on 25th May 2022, a special meeting for the purpose of considering nominations for conferring the title of Honorary Alderman or Honorary Alderwoman,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52.