Venue: Town Hall, Reading
Contact: Michael Popham - Democratic Services Manager Email:
No. | Item |
ELECTION OF MAYOR 1. The retiring Mayor will announce that the first item of business is the election of the Mayor.
2. The retiring Mayor will invite nominations. If there is more than one nomination a ballot will take place. The retiring Mayor will then announce the result.
3. The retiring Mayor will ask the newly-elected Mayor to make the statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office. The new Mayor will then read the statutory declaration and sign it. The declaration will be witnessed by the Chief Executive.
4. The newly elected Mayor will take the chair. Minutes: The first business to be transacted being the election of the Mayor, it was moved by Councillor Leng and seconded by Councillor Mpofu-Coles and CARRIED: “That Councillor Eden be elected Mayor of this Borough Council for the remainder of the current Municipal Year 2021/22 and for the following full ... view the full minutes text for item 24. |
APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY MAYOR 5. The newly-elected Mayor will proceed with Item 2 on the Agenda and ask for nominations for Deputy Mayor and a seconder. If there is more than one nomination a ballot will take place. The newly-elected Mayor will then announce the result.
6. The newly-elected Mayor and the newly-appointed Deputy Mayor will retire to an adjoining room, where they will robe.
7. All will STAND while the procession leaves the Auditorium.
8. There will be an interval while the Mayoral party changes robes.
9. The Mace Bearer will announce the return of the Mayoral party.
10. On the return of the newly-elected Mayor, Members of the Council will STAND in their places, and WILL REMAIN STANDING until the newly-elected Mayor has received the Mace.
11. The newly-elected Mayor will receive the Mace from the outgoing Mayor, who will repeat the customary words.
12. All will then be SEATED. Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Davies and seconded by Councillor Barnett-Ward and CARRIED: “That Councillor Sokale be appointed Deputy Mayor of this Borough Council for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2021/22.”
ADDRESS BY NEWLY-ELECTED MAYOR 13. The newly-elected Mayor will address the Council. Minutes: Councillor Eden addressed the Council.
14. The Mayor will sign the Minutes, with the agreement of the Council. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 19 October 2021 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.
VOTE OF THANKS TO COUNCILLOR D STEVENS AND MRS A STEVENS 15. The vote of thanks will be moved and seconded.
16. Councillor D Stevens and Mrs A Stevens to receive past Mayors’ badges, presented by the Mayor. Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Skeats and seconded by Councillor Brock and CARRIED: “That the Council record their sincere appreciation of the ability, courtesy and diligence with which Councillor Stevens has discharged his duties attached to the office of Mayor since 27 May 2020. They also record their grateful thanks ... view the full minutes text for item 28. |
ADDRESS BY RETIRING MAYOR 17. Councillor D Stevens will address the Council.
EVERYONE WILL STAND AS THE MAYOR LEAVES THE AUDITORIUM. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Retiring Mayor and Freemen will process out, passing by the Mayor’s Escort, Deputy Mayor’s Escort and Retiring Mayor’s Escort who will join the procession. The procession will leave by the Centre Doors. Councillors will follow the procession. All guests will stay seated for a few minutes as the Mayoral Party will return to the Hall to take part in a Group Councillor photograph.
Minutes: Councillor D Stevens addressed the Council. |