Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Reading

Contact: Amy Bryan - Committee Services  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of the Meetings of Licensing Applications Committee held on 2 November 2016, 24 May 2017 23 May 2018 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Licensing Applications Committee meetings held on 2 November 2016, 24 May 2017 and 23 May 2018.

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meetings held on 2 November 2016, 24 May 2017 and 23 May 2018 were confirmed as correct records and signed by the Chair.


Review of Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment pdf icon PDF 4 MB

A report asking the Committee to approve the revised Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment, in respect of the Town Centre Cumulative Impact Area, for implementation on 22 October 2018.


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report asking the Committee to consider and approve revisions to the Licensing Policy and the Cumulative Impact Assessment in respect of the Town Centre.

The report stated that the Council, as the named Licensing Authority for Reading, was required under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 to review its licensing policy every five years. The current licensing policy would be in force until 22 October 2018. The report explained that the Council was also now required to publish a Cumulative Impact Assessment for any cumulative impact area in Reading. There had been a Cumulative Impact area in the town centre since 2010.  The assessment attached to the report was required under paragraph 5A of the Licensing Act and was to be reviewed every three years. Subject to approval, both the policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment would come into force on 22 October 2018.

The report stated that the revised Licensing policy document was attached to the report at Appendix RF-1. The document contained a number of changes which were outlined in a ‘Summary of Changes to Licensing Policy’ document attached to the report at Appendix RF-3.

The report explained that the Cumulative Impact Assessment attached to the report at Appendix RF-2 was a new document that was required to be published for the Town Centre Cumulative Impact Assessment. The area this assessment related to was unchanged from the area already subject to a cumulative impact policy and would also relate to all applications for the grant and variation of a premises licence or club premises certificate.

The report explained that a 12 week consultation process in relation to the Licensing policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment had been undertaken between 29 May 2018 and 19 August 2018. The Licensing Act outlined the organisations and bodies that must be consulted. Letters had been sent to all licence holders as well as to bodies that represented licence holders; organisations that had a statutory role within the Licensing Act such as the police and fire service (called Responsible Bodies) as well as any other body or person that may have an interest in the policy. The consultation had also been available to view on the Council’s website with an option for any person to give views via the site. All responses received during the consultation were attached to the report at Appendix RF-4. Three people attended the meeting to address the Committee in respect of representations made by them of their organisations concerning the revised Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment:

·         PC Simon Wheeler, Thames Valley Police, on behalf of the Local Policing Area Commander, Superintendent Stan Gilmore.

·         Matt Tebbit, University of Reading.

·         William Donne, Silver Fox Licensing Consultants.

The Committee considered the representations received and made the following amendments to the revised Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment:

·            Paragraph 2.19 of the Policy: add reference to PubWatch

·           Insert a new paragraph in the Policy to encourage use of best practice measures,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Review of Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles pdf icon PDF 1 MB

A report asking the Sub-Committee to approve the revised “Statement of Gambling Principles” for implementation on 31 January 2019.


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report asking the Committee to consider proposed revisions to the Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles.

The report stated that on 13 June 2016, the Council had approved its current Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles. The revision of the statement at that time had been due to substantive changes within the Social responsibility codes found within the Licensing Conditions and Codes of Practice issued by the Gambling Commission. This had meant that the Council, as Licensing Authority for Reading, was required to publish a local area risk assessment so that gambling establishments and potential applicants were aware of the issues around anti-social behaviour within proximity of their premises and were aware of their proximity to schools; places of worship and treatment centres. In response to this published local area risk assessment, licence holders had been required to submit a risk assessment on how they would mitigate those issues and risks.

The report explained that the Gambling Act 2005 (the ‘Act’) required the Council to review its Gambling Policy every three years. The policy usually ran for a three year period starting and ending in January. The previous consultation had been undertaken outside of this period due the substantial changes within the legislation. The current consultation would bring the three year timescale for the policy review back into line with the 31 January 2019 to the 31 January 2022 timeframe, subject to any further major revisions emanating from changes in legislation.

The report stated that there had only been one small change to the Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles. This dealt with Fixed Odds Betting Terminals. The change reflected the recent change to FOBT stakes, reducing them from £100 to £2. This was likely to come into force in 2020.

Resolved –    That the revised ‘Statement of Gambling Licensing Principles, as set out in the report, be approved for implementation on 1 January 2019.


(The meeting started at 6.30pm and closed at 7.47pm)