Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU
Contact: Nicky Simpson - Committee Services Email: ( 0118 9372112
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest |
Questions |
Planning Applications to be Considered |
PL/23/0107(FUL) & PL/23/0108(LBC) - 10 Gun Street PDF 6 MB Proposal: PL/23/0107(FUL) – Application for Full Planning Permission: Proposed partial change of use from offices (Class E) to provide an expansion to existing entertainment venue (Sui Generis use) at 9 Gun Street (Purple Turtle) with erection of rear extensions and internal alterations. Detached 3-storey ancillary building to rear boundary with yard over Holy Brook. Recommendation: Permitted subject to Legal Agreement
Proposal: PL/23/0108(LBC) – Application for Listed Building Consent: Proposed extensions and internal alterations associate with partial change of use from offices (Class E) to provide an expansion to existing entertainment venue (Sui Generis Use) at 9 Gun Street (Purple Turtle) with erection of rear extensions and internal alterations. Detached 3-storey ancillary building to rear boundary with yard over Holy Brook Recommendation: Permitted subject to Conditions |
PL/24/1392 (REG3/VAR) - The Hexagon, Queens Walk PDF 7 MB Proposal: Application under s.73 - Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission PL/24/0063 for Demolition of some of the existing back of house areas and erection of an extension of the existing Hexagon Theatre to provide a new studio auditorium, flexible rehearsal space, community studio with workshop space and back of house space, along with improved public realm by providing a new podium connection between the new proposed extension and Queen’s Walk, along with other associated works. Recommendation: Permitted subject to Conditions Additional documents: |
Proposal: Retrospective application for Phase 4 of Estate Improvement Project including; installation of triple glazed uPVC windows; renewal of flat roof coverings; external structural repairs; renewal of pitched roof tiles; and installation of external wall insulation (amended) Recommendation: Permitted subject to Conditions |
Proposal: Vary the existing S106 agreement ref 221130 as follows: Affordable Housing: To secure 30% of the dwellings on-site as affordable housing as shown on the Affordable Housing Plan 092102-BEL-TV-04 revision G dated 12 September 2024 to be annexed to the agreement and consisting of sixteen units (five one-bedroom flats, four two-bedroom flats and seven three-bedroom houses), all to be let at Reading Affordable Rent tenure. The seven houses to be delivered prior to first occupation of the 11th market dwelling, and the remaining nine affordable flats to be delivered prior to first occupation of the 26th market dwelling. To be secured as such in perpetuity. Recommendation: Approve variation to S106 |
PL/23/0909 (REG3) - 56 Bamburgh Close PDF 931 KB Proposal: Retrospective installation of 18 No. air source heat pumps located externally and distributed around full perimeter. Recommendation: Permitted subject to Conditions |