Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices,Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU
Contact: Simon Hill (Committee Services) Email:
0118 9372303
Link: Webcast of meeting
No. |
Item |
1. |
Minutes PDF 64 KB
2. |
Declarations of Interest
3. |
4. |
Potential Site Visits for Committee Items PDF 49 KB
Additional documents:
5. |
Planning Appeals PDF 50 KB
Additional documents:
6. |
Applications for Prior Approval PDF 90 KB
7. |
Vehicle Parking - St Patrick's Hall Inquiry PDF 62 KB
Planning Applications to be Determined
8. |
181652/REG3 & 181653/REG3 - Former Reading Family Centre, North Street PDF 7 MB
Outline - erection of a 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 storey building comprising 47 apartments (including
30 per cent affordable housing) in a mix of one, two and
three-bedroom units. Landscaping, cycle and car parking with
associated works (all matters reserved except layout and means of
Permitted subject to Legal Agreement
Outline - erection of a 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 storey building comprising 47 apartments for
affordable housing in a mix of one, two and three- bedroom units.
Landscaping, cycle & car parking with associated works (all
matters reserved except layout and means of access).
Permitted subject to Legal Agreement
9. |
181448/REG3 - Riversley Court, 205 Wensley Road PDF 408 KB
Single storey detached
prefabricated water storage and treatment plant room
Application Permitted
10. |
181555/FUL - Grovelands Baptist Church, Oxford Road PDF 3 MB
Demolition of existing chapel and church hall. Redevelopment of the site to provide a three
storey mixed use development comprising
of community halls and ancillary accommodation at ground floor
level, 2 x one bedroom flats, 6 x two bedroom flats and 2 x three
bedroom flats at the upper floor levels, all with associated
external amenity space, car parking and cycle storage.
Permitted subject to Legal Agreement
11. |
180698/FUL - 448a Basingstoke Road PDF 8 MB
Change of Use of 448a Basingstoke Road to a mixed B1 (a)
(1735sqm including 72sqm of new mezzanine) /A3 (128sqm) /D1
(724sqm) use, with glazing to replace roller door
Application Refused
Additional documents:
12. |
181059/FUL - Unit 1, Acre Road PDF 280 KB
Change of use from storage and distribution (Class B8) to a
flexible Class B2/B8 use.
Application Permitted