Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading, RG1 2LU

Contact: Julie Quarmby - Committee Services  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 100 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the Licensing Applications Sub-Committee meetings held on 21 September 2023 and 3 October 2023.

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2023 and 3 October 2023 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence - Charles Cooper Henderson, Island of Better Boating, Mill Green, Caversham, Reading, RG4 8EX pdf icon PDF 238 KB

To consider an application for the grant of a Premises Licence in respect of the Charles Cooper Henderson, Island of Better Boating, Mill Green, Caversham, Reading, RG4 8EX.

Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee considered a report on an application for the grant of a premises licence in respect of Charles Cooper Henderson, Island of Better Boating, Mill Green, Caversham, Reading, RG4 8EX. The report explained that the Charles Cooper Henderson was a converted RNLI lifeboat and that the application was for a grant of a premises licence for the sale of alcohol to small groups of no more than 12 guests who had booked a high-end private cruises along the river.  The report added that low-level volume live and recorded period music would be provided for the guests whilst sat at their tables and if amplified this would be to a very low level as background music.

The report stated that the application was for the grant of a Premises Licence to permit the following licensable activities:

Sale by Retail of Alcohol (On the Premises):

Monday to Sunday from 0900hrs until 2300hrs

Hours the Premises is Open to the Public:

Monday to Sunday from 0900hrs until 2300hrs

A copy of the Premises Licence Application Form was attached to the report at Appendix LIC-1, together with photographs of the Charles Cooper Henderson and a location map at Appendices LIC-2 and LIC-3 respectively.

A copy of the agreed conditions between Reading Borough Council’s Licensing Team, Thames Valley Police and the Applicant were attached to the report at Appendix LIC-4.

During the 28-day consultation period for the application fourteen representations had been received by Reading Borough Council (RBC), one from the Council's Environmental Protection and Nuisance Team and the remainder from local residents. These were attached to the report as appendices LIC-5 to LIC-17.  A copy of an explanatory email sent by the Licensing Team to the members of the public that had made representations was attached at Appendix LIC-18.  The representation from the Environmental Protection and Nuisance Team was subsequently withdrawn.

The report stated that in determining the application the Licensing Authority had a duty to carry out its functions with a view to promoting the four licensing objectives, as follows:

·       The prevention of crime and disorder;

·       Public safety;

·       The prevention of public nuisance;

·       The protection of children from harm.

The report also stated that any conditions placed on the premises licence should be appropriate and proportionate with a view to promoting the licensing objectives and that the Licensing Authority could grant (subject to appropriate conditions to promote the licensing objectives), amend, alter or refuse an application should it be deemed appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objectives.  The applicant and the responsible authorities had been able to reach agreement on the conditions to be attached to the Premises Licence in order to promote the four Licensing objectives.

The report set out paragraphs 1.2 to 1.5, 8.41 to 8.49, 9.12, 9.38 to 9.40, 9.42 and 9.43 from the Secretary of State’s Guidance to the Licensing Act 2003 issued in August 2023.  The report also set out paragraphs 1.6, 3.1, 3.2, 5.6, 5.7, 6.1, 6.2, 6.5, 7.2, 7.7,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.