Agenda item

Strategic Risk Register Quarter 3 2022/23

This report provides the Committee with an update of the Strategic Risk Register for Quarter 3 of 2022/23.


Robin Pringle, Health, Safety & Risk Management Lead, presented a report outlining the Q3 updates to the Strategic Risk Register (SRR), in line with the requirements of the Council’s Risk Management Strategy. A copy of the SRR was attached to the report at Appendix 1.


The SRR had been reviewed by CMT in January 2023 and the following risks had been removed and de-escalated to the relevant Directorate Risk Register:


·     Implementation of the new government legislation to deliver Adult Social Care Reforms;

·     Provider’s ability to meet statutory Adult Social Care requirements; and

·     High risk of homelessness within the Ukrainian arrivals due to unmet housing needs.


In addition, CMT had merged the risks: ‘failure to safeguard young people in the community from serious crime’; and ‘lack of effective corporate parenting across the organisation’ into ‘Failure to Safeguard Vulnerable Adults and Children’ and added a new risk ‘lack of local Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) placement provision to meet current and future levels of demand’.  The other risks had remained the same to those reported to the previous meeting.


The report stated that Risk Management Training had been planned for all Councillors on 2 February and 30 March 2023.  Both training sessions would provide Members with the guidance on how to review and challenge reports when received as part of promoting good governance.


Resolved:     That the Council’s Strategic Risk Register, as at the end of Q3 (December 2022), be noted.

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