This report informs the Committee, in its role as sole member of Brighter Futures for Children Limited, of a vacancy for a Council-appointed Director and seeks approval to the proposed appointment.
In accordance with Section 100B (4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chair had agreed that this item be considered as a matter of urgency to fill the vacancy for a Council Nominated Director as soon as possible to ensure the Brighter Futures for Children Board could continue to meet its minimum requirements, which included having a Council Nominated Director and avoid any unnecessary delay to the Company’s decision making and administrative arrangements.
The Executive Director of Resources submitted a report, in the Committee’s capacity as the sole member of Brighter Futures for Children Ltd (BFfC), seeking to fill the vacancy for the Council Nominated Director on the BFfC Board, which had arisen due to the retirement of the former Executive Director of Adult Care and Health Services. The report explained that the minimum requirements for the Board were specified in the Company’s Articles of Association (Article 9.2) and included the appointment of a Council Nominated Director. The report recommended making an interim appointment pending the recruitment of a new permanent Executive Director of Adult Care & Health Services.
Resolved –
That, in its capacity as sole member for BFfC, the appointment of Mike Graham, Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services be agreed as the interim Council Nominated Director until such time as a new permanent Executive Director of Adult Care and Health Services was in post.
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