A report providing the Sub-Committee with an update on the 2022B Waiting Restriction Review Programme and providing the list of new requests for potential inclusion in the 2023A Waiting Restriction Review Programme.
The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report providing the Sub-Committee with an update on progress of the 2022B Programme and new requests for the potential inclusion in the 2023A Waiting Restriction Review Programme.
The report stated that following approval by the Sub-Committee in September 2022 to carry out investigations at various locations, a recommendation for each scheme had been submitted to the January 2023 Sub-Committee meeting for approval for officers to undertake a statutory consultation for the recommended schemes. There had not been sufficient time between the January 2023 Sub-Committee meeting and the meeting in March 2023 to conduct and feedback the results of the statutory consultation and therefore, the results would be submitted to the Sub-Committee meeting in June 2023 so that a decision could be made regarding the delivery of the schemes within the programme.
The Sub-Committee considered Appendix 1 to the report that provided a list of requests that had been received for potential consideration in the 2023A programme. If approved the next stage of programme development would be to report to the Sub-Committee the recommended schemes for approval for officers to undertake the statutory consultation.
Resolved –
(1) That the report be noted;
(2) That the requests made for waiting restriction changes in Appendix 1 attached to the report be investigated by officers as part of the 2023A review programme be agreed;
(3) That the officer recommendations, following investigations of the new requests, be shared with Ward Councillors, providing opportunity for local consultation (informal) and for their comments to be included in the next report to the Sub-Committee;
(4) That, should funding permit, a further report be submitted to the Sub-Committee seeking agreement to conduct the Statutory Consultation on the recommended schemes for the 2023A programme.
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