Agenda item


To receive petitions on traffic management matters submitted in accordance with the Sub-Committee’s Terms of Reference.


(a)        Petition – Request to Improve Road Safety of Hamilton Road junction with Crescent Road

The Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on the receipt of a petition, asking the Council to improve road safety at the Hamilton Road junction with Crescent Road.

The report stated that on 2 March 2023 a petition had been submitted to the Council that had contained 23 reports of near misses/collisions and 26 comments and ideas from residents to improve safety at the crossroad.  The petition read as follows:

“Because of ongoing expressions of concern, I recently asked residents of Hamilton Road to send me their examples of collisions and near-miss incidents at this crossroads, and their views on what might improve the situation. The responses are included in the attached document: Tables 1 and 2.

Near-miss incidents must be taken seriously as they are an indication of a danger that could result in death/injury/damage.  Data from, shows only 3 incidents reported for this junction (2017 – 2020), but these data are based on reported incidents only, and exclude any unreported collisions, and the numerous, and highly significant, near-miss incidents.

The sample size of residents who responded is, not surprisingly, very small: only those on our local WhatsApp and Community email groups were consulted and this excluded the many residents not known to, or reached by, these internet-based groups.  However, even this small number of residents has observed / experienced near-miss incidents on a weekly or daily basis, and some have been injured. Fortunately, so far, no one has suffered a serious or fatal injury, but we are all worried about such an occurrence, especially involving children and adults on bicycles.

Examples of Experiences/observations include:

-           The danger to life is primarily to cyclists going north or south on Hamilton Road

-           Near misses affecting such cyclists are a frequent occurrence, but also affect car users

-           There have been injuries/damage from collisions

-           Road-users (both vehicles and cyclists) are not infrequently seen ignoring the Give-Way sign on Crescent Road, crossing Hamilton without pausing. Collisions have occurred for this reason

-           Sight-lines for road-users on both Hamilton and Crescent Roads are poor, and without stopping at the junction, and easing forward, users cannot see approaching traffic, especially cyclists.

Examples of Ideas for improving safety at this junction include:

-           Redesign junction with bollards and staggered entry to Crescent Road users

-           Create a mini-roundabout with raised platform, and therefore no priority to any one direction

-           Measures to force speed-reduction especially on Crescent Road

-           A camera to warn users of scrutiny of their driving /cycling behaviour

-           A continuous raised hump at the junction across Crescent Road, both West and East sides.

Whilst these changes have cost implications, the costs of injury / loss of life and their treatment by health services, and the investigation costs etc by police / Council are also considerable, let alone the long-lasting and traumatic impact of such events on the people affected.

I and others are interested in helping the Council gather more data if that would help: for instance, by gathering more reports of near-miss incidents/collisions, helping to install a camera to record activity at this junction, or helping in any way that would help the Council come to an early decision.”

The report explained that the crossroad of Crescent Road and Hamilton Road was situated within a 20mph zone, which benefitted from existing vertical traffic calming measures to encourage drivers to adhere to the speed limit.  The junction layout was presented with ‘give way’ on both approaches of Crescent Road to Hamilton Road and both Crescent Road approaches were signed and lined with the associated give way restriction in accordance with National Standards.  The petition covering letter had acknowledged that casualty data that had been supplied by the police did not suggest a road safety issue at the junction, with a single ‘slight’ incident occurring in the latest five year period of supplied data.

The Requests for Traffic Management Measures report, that was submitted to the Sub-Committee twice annually, contained a long standing request to reduce rat-running traffic along Crescent Road and beyond.  Implementation of the School Street might have partially mitigated this issue, although it had been acknowledged that this was currently in a trial phase.

The report proposed that officers considered the contents of the petition, shared their findings with the Lead Councillor and Ward Councillors for discussion and a report on the outcome of these discussions would be submitted to a future meeting.  There was currently no allocated funding for the development and delivery of physical changes to the junction, but it was recognised that there was a desire to reduce risks, where feasible.

At the invitation of the Chair, Mr David Whipple, addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the Hamilton Road Community.  He also gave a presentation to illustrate the safety issues and suggestions for modifications at the junction.

Resolved –

(1)        That the report be noted;

(2)        That officers consider the comments and proposals contained in the petition and a report be submitted to a future meeting, following engagement with the Lead and Ward Councillors;

(3)        That the lead petitioner be informed of the decisions of the Sub-Committee, following publication of the agreed minutes of the meeting;

(4)        That no public inquiry be held into the proposals.


Supporting documents: