Agenda item

Adult Social Care Assets - Respite Provision

This report focuses on the Council’s delivery of an Adult Social Care respite service to support carers and vulnerable people who have complex needs and proposes the development of a respite facility at Amethyst Lane.


The Acting Executive Director for Adult Social Care And Health and the Executive Director For Economic Growth And Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on a proposal for the development of a facility at Amethyst Lane to deliver a respite service to support carers and vulnerable people who had complex needs.  The following documents were attached to the report:


·       Appendix 1 – 18 January 2021 Policy Committee report - Adult Social Care Asset Review and Capital Strategy

·       Appendix 2 – Equality Impact Assessment


The report noted that it had been agreed by the Committee at its meeting on 18 January 2021 (Minute 81 refers) that a respite facility would be delivered at Hexham Road.  The Council had subsequently taken the decision that it was too much of a risk to proceed with the build on Hexham Road, due to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) advising that they were unable to grant registration until the building was completed as per their policy and that the co-location of a respite service with sheltered and general needs housing might not meet their regulatory guidance.


The report explained that alternative proposals to deliver a respite facility had therefore been considered and that it was now proposed to build a Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities respite facility for up to six people at Amethyst Lane.  This would offer short term support to people with complex needs and provide their carers with a break from their caring role.  In addition, the service would be developed to deliver a more flexible and person-centred service including offering support to young people transitioning to adult services to develop their life skills.


The site at Amethyst Lane had been assessed as meeting the requirements to develop a respite service in terms of space, location and accessibility; it was on a public transport route and local amenities were nearby.  The design would respond to the feedback received from CQC on the previously proposed development at Hexham Road and the site would allow the respite facility to be designed as a standalone building and not have multiple uses on one site.  The number of rooms had been reduced to six and there would be a designated entrance to the building.  Engagement with CQC had commenced to ensure that the building was designed to meet their guidance. 


The report noted that the area at Amethyst Lane would also allow development of general needs housing, with the site being split into two and housing and the respite facility being built on adjacent sites.  In order to proceed it was proposed that the land required, known as Amethyst Lane, be transferred from the Council’s Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund under Section 19 of the Housing Act 1985.


The report also provided an update on the progress of delivering Adult Social Care services, sheltered housing and general needs housing at the sites on Battle Street and Hexham Road, which had also been agreed by the Committee on 18 January 2021.


Resolved –


(1)      That the proposal to use the Amethyst Lane site to deliver a respite facility for Adult Social Care be approved;


(2)      That the appropriation of the land known as Amethyst Lane from the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund with effect from 1 April 2023, to enable the delivery of the proposed Respite Service, be approved;


(3)      That the procurement process to date be noted;


(4)      That the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Executive Director for Adult Social Care and Health, the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services, the Director of Finance, the Lead Councillor for Housing and the Lead Councillor for Adult Social Care, be authorised to enter into all necessary works and agreements, including with Gleeds Cost Management and HTA Design, the multi-disciplinary team, and Hampshire County Council for the development of the site at Amethyst Lane, including detailed designs, the securing of planning permission and the procurement of a main building contractor for the construction works;


(5)      That the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Executive Director for Adult Social Care and Health, the Assistant Director for Legal and Democratic Services, the Director of Finance, the Lead Councillor for Housing and the Lead Councillor for Adult Social Care, be authorised to procure, award and enter into a contract with the main building contractor for the construction works at Amethyst Lane;


(6)      That additional spend approval of capital of £1.8m from the General Fund in addition to the £5,993m already in the capital programme to deliver an adult social care respite facility be approved and allocated.

Supporting documents: