To receive petitions on traffic management matters submitted in accordance with the Sub-Committee’s Terms of Reference.
(a) Petition – Hemdean House School
The Sub-Committee received a report on the receipt of a petition from Hemdean House School.
The report explained that the detailed content of the petition was not yet know by officers, but it was expected to request measures to reduce safety risks outside the school on Hemdean Road. There had been good engagement between the school, Ward Councillors and officers around potential measures and officers would consider the content of the petition and submit a petition response to a future meeting. Resultant agreed measures would require funding, so it was likely that the petition response report would recommend a new/amendment to and existing entry onto the ‘Requests for Traffic Management Measures’ report.
The report explained that representatives from Hemdean House School had been in contact with Ward Councillors and officers, following their review of Hemdean Road and considering changes that could reduce risks. The proposals primarily included speed reduction measures, such as 20 mph, and traffic calming, signage as well as cycling improvements. The school had been provided with high level feedback to inform their further review of desirable changes and had notified the Council of their intention to present a petition to the meeting.
The section of Hemdean Road in the vicinity of the school was open to two-way traffic including a scheduled bus route. There was a slight bend in the road as it passed the school and there was on-street parking on both side of the road to the north and south of the school. Parking was restricted immediately outside the school by the provision of ‘School Keep Clear’ markings. Within the last three year period of Police supplied data, up to 1 June 2023, there had been no recorded incidents on Hemdean Road between its junction with Queen Street and Hemdean Hill. Officers had therefore considered requested measures to be in the context of risk reduction, rather than casualty reduction.
The regular ‘Requests for Traffic Management Measures’ report contained an entry for a desired area 20 mph zone in Lower Caversham as a result of an earlier report having proposed a concept area including the section of Hemdean Road outside the school. The Lower Caversham 20 mph zone concept had been developed at a time when significant developer contributions were expected. Unfortunately, these did not materialise, however, this was still a desirable scheme for development and delivery. While the scale of the concept area was such that it would require significant funding. Smaller nominations could contribute to a phased delivery on an area priority basis.
At the invitation of the Chair five pupils form Hemdean House School addressed the Sub-Committee.
Resolved –
(1) That the report be noted;
(2) That officers consider the content of the petition and provide a petition response report to a future meeting.
(b) Petition – Holmes Road Traffic Plug
The Sub-Committee received a report on the receipt of a petition requesting the Council to install a one-way traffic plug on Holmes Road, at its junction with Wokingham Road, to tackle reported issues of speeding and through- traffic. A redacted petition sheet and supplementary documents included with the petition submission were attached to the report at Appendix 1.
The report explained that on 2 November 2023, a petition had been submitted to the Council containing 27 signatories, the petition read as follows:
“The residents of Holmes Road, who have signed below are petitioning for the installation of a one-way plug to prevent speeding traffic entering Holmes Rd. from the Wokingham Rd. The current volumes and speed of traffic in Holmes Rd is putting lives at risk. We believe that a plug would go some way to reducing the risk of serious accidents in Holmes Rd.”
The report stated that the ‘Requests for Traffic Management Measures’ Report that was submitted to the Sub-Committee twice annually contained an entry for the one-way plug that was requested in the petition.
At the invitation of the Chair the lead petitioner Claire Gibney, addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of the petitioners.
Resolved –
(1) That the report be noted;
(2) That the existing entry on the ‘Requests for Traffic Management Measures’ report being updated to reflect the receipt of this petition be agreed;
(3) That the lead petitioner be informed of the decisions of the Sub-Committee, following publication of the agreed minutes of the meeting;
(4) That no public inquiry be held into the proposals.
Supporting documents: