Agenda item

Applications for Discretionary Parking Permits

To consider appeals against the refusal of applications for the issue of discretionary parking permits.



The Sub-Committee received a report giving details of the background to the decisions to refuse applications for Discretionary Parking Permits from 26 applicants, who had subsequently appealed against these decisions.

Resolved –

(1)       That with regard to application 5, discretionary visitor permit books be issued personal to the applicant and subject to the applicant providing the required proofs of residency;

(2)       That a decision in respect of application 11, for a discretionary teachers permit, be deferred to allow officers to obtain more information;

(3)       That with regard to application 14, a first discretionary resident permit be issued subject to the Planning Department clarifying the position with regard to the planning informative;

(4)       That a decision in respect of applications 15 and 18, for a first discretionary Healthcare Professional permit be deferred and that officers seek advice from Communities and Adult Social Care Services and Brighter Futures for Children on the list of approved professions to be allowed to be issued with Healthcare Professional permits;

(5)       That with regard to application 16, a third discretionary permit be issued personal to the application, subject to the applicant providing the required proofs and charged at the standard rate;

(6)       That with regard to application 24, a first discretionary resident permit be issued subject to the applicant providing the required proofs and officers submit a report to a future meeting on the parking zones in the area;

(7)       That with regard to application 25, for three discretionary charity permits and discretionary charged visitor books, the application be refused, but it be noted that Councillors had a case open on the issue;

(8)       That with regard to application 26, a first discretionary resident permit and discretionary visitor permit books be issued personal to the applicant and subject to the applicant providing the required proofs;

(9)       That the Executive Director for Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services’ decision to refuse applications 1,2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 be upheld.


(Exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 2).