Report by Chief Executive
The Chief Executive submitted a report on an updated version of the Council’s Corporate Plan ‘Investing in Reading’s Future: Reading Borough Council Corporate Plan 2022-25’, for 2023/24. The final draft plan was attached to the report for approval at Appendix 1.
The report explained that the Corporate Plan described the major achievements and progress made over the last year and set out the Council’s work priorities and future work programme to deliver against the three themes of: Healthy Environment; Thriving Communities; and Inclusive Economy, which were underpinned by the foundational activity of an efficient and effective organisation. The Appendix to the Corporate Plan detailed the projects and measures that would continue to be monitored and reported to Policy Committee on a quarterly basis.
The Corporate Plan had been agreed by Council on 22 March 2022 (Minute 49 refers) as a 3-year Plan, the Plan had been refreshed for 2023/24 to take account of:
· A review of the performance measures, targets and projects (as set out in the Corporate Plan appendix) that would be used to monitor delivery of the plan;
· The Council’s achievements over the last year;
· Updates to ‘Our Reading’ infographic; and
· Updates regarding any other elements of the narrative to reflect new or completed key projects and initiatives and any other priorities, such as the cost-of-living crisis.
The following motion was moved by Councillor Brock and seconded by Councillor Page and CARRIED:
Resolved –
That the update of the Council’s Corporate Plan, titled ‘Investing in Reading’s Future: Reading Borough Council Corporate Plan 2022-25’ be adopted, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
Supporting documents: