Agenda item

Quarter 3 Performance Monitoring Report

Councillors Lovelock & Brock / Director of Resources


This report sets out the projected revenue and capital outturn positions for 2018/19 as at the end of December 2018 (Quarter 3), as well as performance for the first three quarters against the measures of success published in the Council’s Corporate Plan.


The Director of Resources submitted a report setting out the projected revenue and capital outturn positions for 2018/19 as at the end of December 2018 (Quarter 3), and also the performance for the first three quarters against the measures of success published in the Council’s Corporate Plan.  The following documents were attached to the report:


·         Appendix 1 – Financial Monitoring for Quarter 3, and

·         Appendix 2 – Performance Monitoring for Quarter 3


The report stated that the forecast outturn showed a projected overspend on the General Fund as at the end of period 9 (December) of £1.511m, which was an increase of £0.036m since that reported at the end of Period 8.  The Children’s Services, Education and Early Help forecast overspend had risen in month from £1.427m to £1.443m, and the majority of the projected variance related to the Children's Social Care Team - £1.160m for LAC placements and £0.330m relating to agency staffing costs. The Housing Revenue Account was forecasting a £2.069m underspend at the end of December 2018 due to rent collection rates being higher than budgeted, expenditure on reactive and planned maintenance being underspent, and staff vacancies in the Sheltered Housing Team.  The General Fund Capital Programme was forecast to underspend in 2018/19 by £6.3m, which was predominantly the result of slippage on two larger schemes (ICT Technical Infrastructure and phase three of the Accommodation Review) from 2018/19 into future years. 


The report explained that the ‘Purchase of Commercial Property’ capital scheme currently had an approved budget of £50m for 2018-19.  It now looked increasingly likely that the completion of any purchases would be deferred into the 2019-20 financial year, and approval was therefore sought to re-profile the capital budget according.


The report also included a summary of performance, as at the end of the third quarter, against the success measures published in the Corporate Plan to monitor progress against the Council’s six priorities. Measures where there had been key shifts in performance and/or significant variation from the target were highlighted.  Since the Quarter 2 report 14 measures had improved, five measures were static and three measures showed a dip in performance from the second quarter, although two of these (delayed transfers of care and customer satisfaction) were still expected to achieve the targets set.


Resolved –


(1)     That the following be noted:


(a)     That the forecast General Fund outturn position as at the end of December 2018 was an overspend of £1.511m excluding the use of contingency;


(b)     That the forecast outturn position on the Housing Revenue Account as at the end of December 2018 was a projected underspend of £2.069m;


(c)      That the forecast outturn position on the Capital Programme as at the end of December 2018, was a projected underspend of £6.330m for the General Fund and £5.708m for the Housing Revenue Account;


(d)     The performance achieved against the Corporate Plan success measures as set out in the report and Appendix 2 attached to the report;


(2)     That the re-profiling of the 2018 capital budget, for the ‘Purchase of Commercial Property’ within the General Fund Capital Programme 2019, be approved.


Supporting documents: