To receive a report providing an update on the implementation of the new Finance System.
Darren Carter, Director of Finance, submitted a report updating on the progress made towards the implementation of a new finance system. The report stated that implementation of the new system had been delayed until Autumn 2023 to ensure that it would be fully operational at the point of ‘go-live’. The revised project plan took into consideration resource availability, the impact of other system projects and dependencies on third parties. The plan included completing Integrated System Testing and Data Migration by the end of June 2023. User Acceptance Testing training and a cut-over rehearsal would then take place during the Summer, with the final cut-over work delivering an Autumn 2023 ‘go-live’. The revised plan was currently being reviewed by independent consultants to consider robustness and deliverability. The Project Team was meeting daily, with weekly meetings chaired by the Director of Finance to track progress.
Resolved: That progress of the implementation of the new Finance System be noted.
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