Agenda item


To consider applications for the grant of licences to drive Hackney Carriage, Private Hire and School Transport Vehicles.


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report asking the Sub-Committee to consider two applications for the grant of a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Driver's Licence, two applications for the grant of a Private Hire Vehicle Driver’s Licence and an application for the grant of a three-year School Transport Vehicle Driver’s Licence.


A summary of the circumstances of each of the cases was appended to the report.


AH and his representative Adonis Daniel, Andrew Storch Solicitors, were present at the meeting.  They each addressed the Sub-Committee and responded to questions.


FA and his representative Kamran Saddiq, Reading Private Hire Association were present at the meeting.  They each addressed the Sub-Committee and responded to questions.


SM and SR were present at the meeting. They each addressed the Sub-Committee and responded to questions.


JA and his representative Alan Parkinson, Green Metro Cars, were present at the meeting.  They each addressed the Sub-Committee and responded to questions.


In reaching their decisions, the Sub-Committee gave due consideration to the written evidence contained in the paperwork and the oral evidence at the meeting and to the relevant legislation and policies of Reading Borough Council, namely:


·     Town Police Clauses Act, 1947 and the Local Government Miscellaneous (Provisions Act) 1976;

·     The Secretary of State’s Guidance;

·     Reading Borough Council Private Hire Vehicle Conditions;

·     Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Criminal Convictions Policy;

·     The Equality Act 2010;

·     Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022.


Resolved –


(1)           That, the application for a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Driver’s licence in respect of AH be refused due to AH not being considered a fit and proper person by reason of the nature of the allegation, as detailed in the report;


The Sub-Committee noted that AH had appealed the revocation of their Hackney Carriage Vehicle Driver's Licence by Reading Borough Council at the time of the allegation and that the Sub-Committee's decision to revoke the Licence had been upheld in two subsequent court hearings.


AH was advised of their right of appeal.


(2)           That, the application by FA for the grant of a three-year Private Hire Vehicle Driver’s Licence be granted for the period of three years, subject to there being no further offences, breaches of licence conditions or complaints during the licenced period.  This would also be subject to the completion of the application process including any payment of additional fees and to be effective from the date on the licence issued.


(3)      That the application by SM for the grant of a Private Hire Vehicle Driver’s Licence be refused due to SM not being considered a fit and proper person by reason of:


a)    the nature and frequency of the offences, as detailed in the report;

b)    the failure by SM to disclose required information of the revocation of their SODC dual licence or of his previous convictions to Reading Borough Council.


SM was advised of their right of appeal.


(4)      That, the application by SR for a three-year Hackney Carriage Vehicle Driver’s Licence be granted for the period of one year with a warning given as to SR's future conduct.  Subject to there being no further offences, breaches of licence conditions or complaints during the one-year period, officers be given delegated authority to renew the remaining period such that the maximum period of the licence is three years.  This would also be subject to the completion of the application process including any payment of any additional fees and to be effective from the date on the licence issued.


(5)      That the application by JA for the grant of a School Vehicle Driver’s Licence be refused due to JA not being considered a fit and proper person by reason of:


a)    the nature of the offences, as detailed in the report;

b)    insufficient time having elapsed since the convictions for some of the offences and the restoration of JA's driving licence;

c)    the failure by JA to disclose required information to Reading Borough Council.


JA was advised of their right of appeal.


(Exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 5)