The Committee considered a report outlining the Quarter 1 (Q1)/ Quarter 2 (Q2) updates to the Strategic Risk Register (SRR), in line with the requirements of the Council’s Risk Management Strategy. A copy of the SRR was attached to the report at Appendix 1. The Risk Register covered the actions completed by the Council during Q1 and the risk ratings for Q2 of 2023/24. The SRR had been reviewed by CMT on 6 June 2023 and no risks had been removed or de-escalated to the relevant Directorate Risk Register. There had also been no new risks added to the SRR.
The report stated that to embed risk management principles across the Council, six training sessions had been organised for managers before the end of the calendar year with eight further sessions yet to be arranged. Councillors had received risk management training on 2 February and 30 March 2023 and further sessions were being planned for later in the year.
(1) That the Council’s Strategic Risk Register, as at the end of Q2 (June 2023), be noted;
(2) That officers be asked to review the information provided in the report and Strategic Risk Register summary and make a proposal on how to focus on the risks in most need of the Committee’s attention, which could include:
(i) expanding the commentary in the existing mitigations section of the SRR;
(ii) commissioning more detailed separate reports on individual risks:
(iii) providing more detail in the covering report about relevant issues requiring further consideration.
Supporting documents: