Agenda item

Review of Polling Places 2018/19

Report by Returning Officer


Further to Minute 52 of Policy Committee on 26 November 2018, and in accordance with the Electoral Administration Act 2006 (the 2006 Act), which required the Council to undertake a review of its polling districts and polling places every four years to a national timetable, the Returning Officer submitted a report on the results of the consultation exercise undertaken for the 2018-19 review of polling districts and polling places in Reading, and setting out the responses received. The report also reviewed the deployment of polling stations within polling places.


The report explained that the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 (the 2013 Act) introduced a change to the timing of compulsory reviews of UK Parliamentary polling districts and polling places.  The previous review had taken place in 2014, and the results were reported to Council on 21 October 2014 (Minute 30 refers).  The notice of the 2018-19 review had been published on 3 December 2018, on the Council’s website, at the Civic Offices, and in the Council’s libraries.  The deadline for responses was 2 January 2019.


This year’s review had attracted 37 responses: a significant increase from the 7 responses generated by the 2014 review. The comments were set out in the schedule at Appendix A, and included other observations on polling places received by the Electoral Services team over the past year, outside the consultation period.


The Returning Officer’s written submission on the review process, which commented on the existing polling stations and any new polling stations that may be used based on proposals made in the review, was attached to the report at Appendix B.  In light of the comments received, the report recommended changes to the Council’s polling places and stations and cross-referenced the proposed changes to the relevant paragraph in the report.


The following motion was moved by Councillor Lovelock and seconded by Councillor Page and CARRIED:


Resolved –

(1)           That the results of the consultation on the 2018-19 review of polling places (Appendix A), and the Returning Officer’s written submission (Appendix B), be received and noted;

(2)           That the following changes to polling places be noted: [para. 3.5]

(a)            The change of name of the polling place for Caversham polling district 3 (MB) to The Weller Centre (from Amersham Road Community Centre);

(b)            The relocation of the polling station for Norcot polling District 1 (E) at St George’s Church, St George’s Road, from the Church Hall to  the church;

(c)            The Returning Officer’s intention to return the polling place for Mapledurham ward (Y) to the Mapledurham Pavilion, when this has been rebuilt and the suitability of the new building to host a polling station has been confirmed; [para. 3.6]

(3)           That, following the closure and disposal of Southcote Library at Southcote Lane, the polling place for Southcote polling district 2 (FB) be moved the Southcote Community Hub in Coronation Square; [para. 4.3.1]

(4)           That, in the case of building works at Battle Library making the building not being available for future elections, the polling place for Battle polling district 1 (A) be moved temporarily to Emmanuel Church, Oxford Road, next door; [para. 4.3.1]

(5)           That with regard to Whitley ward:

(a)            The Returning Officer’s intention to explore options for a new polling district and polling place in Whitley ward, to serve the new developments west of the Basingstoke Road and in Green Park, be noted; [para. 4.3.2]

(b)            Polling districts S and SC, both of which currently poll at Whitley Park Primary School, be merged; [para. 4.4.3]

(6)           That the following changes be made to the number of polling stations at the polling places listed below: [para. 4.4.3]

(a)           Battle polling district 1 (A) – Battle Library – establish second polling station;

(b)           Katesgrove polling district 2 (BA) – Christchurch Centre, Milman Road – reduce to 1 polling station;

(c)           Kentwood polling district 1 (C) – St Mary Magdelene Hall – reduce to 1 polling station;

(d)           Norcot polling district 1 (EA) – St Michael’s Primary School – reduce to 1 polling station;

(e)           Redlands polling district 2 (RA) – Redlands Primary School – reduce to 1 polling station;

(7)           That the position and responses concerning the use of Caversham Primary School as the polling place for both Caversham polling district 4 (MC) and Thames polling district 3 (WB) be noted, and in this respect: [paras. 4.5.8 and 4.5.9]

(a)            the lack to date of suitable alternative polling places in Thames ward polling district 3 (WB), and the Returning Officer’s continuing efforts to find a suitable alternative locations, be noted and endorsed;

(b)            the Returning Officer consult with Thames ward Councillors about a more comprehensive review of polling districts in the ward, with a view to bring suitable locations for polling places in other parts of the ward into play;

(c)            The Returning Officer consult with Caversham ward Councillors about the following options:

·                Combining polling district 4 (MC) with polling district 2 (MA), with the polling place at Thameside Primary School (two polling stations);

·                Identifying a suitable alternative location in polling district 4 (MC);

·                Modifying the polling district boundary between Caversham polling districts MA and MC, to extend polling district 4 (MC) eastwards, to include the area north of Church Street and west of Prospect Street; and moving the polling place to Caversham Library;

(d)            Caversham Primary School to continue to be the polling place for both Caversham polling district 4 (MC) and Thames polling district 3 (WB), and host three polling stations,  until suitable alternative polling places for both wards and polling districts can be identified and agreed;

(8)           That the position and responses concerning Kentwood polling district 4 (CC), in the light of the closure and imminent demolition of the Norcot Community Centre, Lyndhurst Road, be noted, and in this respect: [para. 4.5.10]

(a)            a temporary polling station be set up at the Lyndhurst Road Community Centre, operating from the Council’s Emergency Planning vehicle, for the duration of the works to build a new community facility at the site;

(b)            the Returning Officer consult with Kentwood ward Councillors about a more comprehensive review of polling districts in the ward, with a view to bring polling places in other parts of the ward into play, as described in para. 4.5.10;

(9)     That the Head of Legal & Democratic Services, as Returning Officer, be authorised to implement all appropriate actions arising from the review and discussed in this report, in consultation where appropriate with affected ward Councillors.

Supporting documents: