Agenda item

Adult Social Care Performance

A presentation providing the Committee with information on performance in Adult Social Care.


Seona Douglas, Director of Adult Social Care and Health Services, gave a presentation on performance in Adult Social Care.  The presentation covered a number of areas including how Adult Social Care was measured, the budget position, an analysis of expenditure in 2017/18, the number of people receiving Adult Social Care services 2016/17 to 2018/19, current activity and work coming into the system, current delayed discharges from hospital and a number of graphs showing performance against the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) neighbours, CIPFA Average 2017/18, South East Average 2017/18 and the England Average 2017/18.

In response to a number of questions Seona explained that in respect of Direct Payments the aim was to get to 23% of people using direct payments, staff training was taking place to improve knowledge so that it was promoted as an option and many staff were now championing their use.  Seona also explained that the service had a statutory responsibility to assess need against national eligibility criteria and the aim was to promote the service before needs became desperate.  More sophisticated ways of supporting people were being used and a conversation based approach was being taken asking people what they could do rather than focusing on what they couldn’t do which was a very negative deficit model approach and had been used in the past.

A copy of the presentation slides was made available on the Reading Borough Council website.

Resolved –    That the presentation be noted.


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