Officers from Brighter Futures for Children to provide the Committee with a verbal update on the SEND Strategy.
Further to minute 16 of the meeting held on 4 October 2018, the Director of Children’s Services, Brighter Futures for Children, submitted a copy of the Council’s Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Strategy 2017 to 2022 and Sonia Aluk, Service Manager, SEND and CYPD, Brighter Futures for Children provided the Committee with a verbal update on the Strategy.
Sonia informed the Committee that the SEND Strategy delivery strands had been reviewed in light of progress to date and the Strategy had been developed accordingly. She then gave a detailed update on each of the five strands.
In respect of increasing capacity for SEND students Councillor Pearce reported that Blessed Hugh Faringdon would be increasing the size of its unit for autistic students next year, two primary school units would be established and would provide an outreach service for other schools, the authority had been successful in a bid to build a new SEN School which it was planned would be opened in 2022 and the Avenue School was also expanding and would be offering a new SEN class.
Resolved – That the position be noted.
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