A report providing an overview of progress made in the development of the Adult Social Care Strategy and to request permission to proceed with the next phase of stakeholder engagement.
The Interim Executive Director for Adult Social Care & Health submitted a report on the progress made towards the development of Reading's Adult Social Care (ASC) Strategy. The report sought permission to proceed with the next phase of stakeholder engagement and subsequent co-design with residents as part of a broader Adult Social Care Conversation.
The report detailed the milestones achieved to date to identify the initial priorities and vision for the Strategy. The report also included detail on the planned process of co-production, explained its alignment with preparations for Care Quality Commission Assurance, and listed the opportunities that would be gained by adopting a collaborative approach.
The report sought permission from the Committee to proceed with the engagement and consultation phase of the Strategy’s development. The report explained that insights gained from the workshops that had been conducted to date would serve as a foundation for further engagement sessions, with any additional feedback being used to inform the draft Strategy and consultation process. A summary of the results from the Adult Social Care Vision and Priorities Workshop meetings held to date was attached to the report at Appendix 1.
The report set out the following Next Steps involved with the development of the Strategy:
a. Planning and Scheduling: A comprehensive plan would be developed, outlining the timeline, methods, and target audiences for the engagement and consultation phases;
b. Testing Vision & Priorities and Draft Strategy Distribution: The draft Adult Social Care Strategy, including the identified priorities and vision, would be shared with stakeholders, community organisations, people who use Adult Social Care services, carers, and other relevant parties for their input;
c. Feedback Collection and Analysis: A structured process would be implemented to collect and analyse feedback and suggestions received from stakeholders, enabling us to capture their valuable insights. This feedback would inform the draft and final strategy;
d. Strategy Refinement: Insights and recommendations gathered would be carefully reviewed and considered to refine and shape the ASC strategy; and
e. Finalising the strategy: The strategy would be updated based on the feedback and prepared for the next stages of implementation and approval.
The report explained that the development of Reading's ASC Strategy through coproduction formed a fundamental aspect of the Council’s commitment to provide person-centred care. By aligning the Strategy with the CQC assurance framework, the Council aimed to ensure that its services would meet the highest standards of quality and safety. It was anticipated that the coproduction process and subsequent consultation phase would lead to improved service delivery, stronger partnerships, and positive outcomes for the residents of Reading.
The report explained that, once permission had been granted, work would commence to plan and schedule engagement sessions and the consultation phase. This would include distributing draft vision statements and priorities of the Strategy, engaging with stakeholders and community organisations, and collecting feedback from people who used Adult Social Care services, carers, and other relevant parties. The consultation phase would be followed by the writeup and sharing of a draft Strategy. The insights gathered from these engagement sessions along with the consultation process would play a vital role in refining and shaping the final version of the strategy. The report included an estimated timetable the development of the Strategy through until December 2023.
Resolved –
(1) That the plans to develop Reading’s Adult Social Care Strategy and the associated timescales be noted;
(2) That the request to consult with Reading residents, including those who use Adult Social Care services, to gather insights and views to co-design the Strategy and its priorities be approved.
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