Agenda item

Proposals for a Pedestrian Crossing - Upper Redlands Road

A report seeking approval for officers to undertake statutory consultation/notice processes necessary to progress this scheme.


The Sub-Committee considered a report that sought approval to carry out statutory consultation/notice processes necessary to progress the scheme for a pedestrian crossing on Upper Redlands Road.  A scheme design of the Upper Redlands Road Pedestrian Crossing was attached to the report at Appendix 1.

The report explained that having reviewed and assessed bids from local authorities, Active Travel England had responded to authorities with an award and Reading had been awarded funding for the delivery of the pedestrian crossing on Upper Redlands Road to the value of £75,000.

The scheme was jointly promoted by the Council, St Joseph’s College and the University of Reading as there was no safe place for children, university students or local residents to cross Upper Redlands Road.  This scheme would provide safer routes for children to walk to school as well as linking to the university via Elmhurst Road to the Active Travel scheme on Shinfield Road as well as the Active Travel scheme at Christchurch Green.  Following discussion with Ward Councillors, officers had commissioned an independent Road Safety Audit for the scheme and, subject to the findings and necessary adjustments, which were not expected, the report proposed that officers carried out the required statutory consultation for the scheme.  Any objections would be submitted to a future meeting and if there were no objections the report proposed that the scheme should be considered as approved for delivery. 

Resolved –

(1)        That the report be noted;

(2)        That Assistant Director of Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to undertake statutory consultation/notification processes for the proposed zebra crossing designs on Upper Redlands Road, in accordance with the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;

(3)        That the Highways and Traffic Services Manager, in agreement with the Lead Councillor for Climate Strategy and Transport, be authorised to make minor alterations to the agreed proposals;

(4)        That subject to no objections being received the scheme be considered as agreed for implementation enabling delivery planning to commence;

(5)        That should a scheme receive objection(s) during the statutory consultation period, that these be submitted to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee for consideration and decision regarding scheme implementation.

Supporting documents: