To provide a response to an internal audit of Direct Payments, which identified some process weaknesses and made a series of recommendations to improve the service.
Further to Minute 38 of the meeting held on 12 April 2023, the Committee considered a report on the response to an internal audit of Direct Payments, which had identified some process weaknesses and made a series of recommendations to improve the service. The report set out the action that had been taken to address Internal Audit’s eight recommendations, five of which had now been completed. The three outstanding recommendations were all scheduled to be completed in the next few months. The Committee would receive a further progress update as part of the Audit Recommendations Tracker report to the next meeting on 23 January 2024.
Resolved: That the positive response to the Internal Audit recommendations to date in relation to Direct Payments be welcomed, and further progress to implement the remaining outstanding action be reported to the Committee in the regular Audit Tracker Recommendations report to the next meeting on 23 January 2024.
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