Committee received a presentation from Martin White, Consultant in
Public Health, Reading Borough Council; Rachel Smart, Lead Nurse,
Florey Clinic, Royal Berkshire Hospital Foundation Trust; Alan
Tang, Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV, Florey Clinic, Royal
Berkshire Hospital Foundation Trust on the integrated sexual health
service in Reading.
The presentation included the following
A report from the United Kingdom Health Security
Agency (UKHSA) in June 2023 had said that overall infections rates
were lower in the Southeast, however, some areas such as Reading
were reporting rates above the national average.
An overview of the commissioning arrangements for
the integrated sexual health service in Reading which included the
local authority, Integrated Care Boards and NHS
The local integrated sexual health service was
provided by the Royal Berkshire Hospital Foundation Trust (RBFT)
following an award of contract in 2020 and would run for 10 years.
This was joint funded by the three local authorities of Berkshire
The contract value was £2.56m with Reading
Borough Council contribution of £1.4m.
The service included screening and STI testing and
diagnosis of HIV, and additional services including sexual health
advice and contraceptive services.
Pre-pandemic testing rates for STIs in Reading had
been significantly above Regional and National
averages. Following the pandemic
testing rates in Reading had not reduced to the same degree as the
England rate.
New STI diagnoses had dropped dramatically with the
onset of COVID 19 and had continued to decrease in 2021 and
There had been a decrease in diagnosis rates in
Reading accompanied by a decrease in percent positivity. The
opposite pattern was seen in the Southeast and England.
Due to good access to remote and face to face
testing during various lockdowns the rebound in STI service
provision between 2021 and 2022 seen nationally was not reflected
in the GUM and Contraception attendances at the Florey
Clinic. However there had been an
increase in more complex patient cases with more social or sexual
health care needs during this period.
The service met regularly with the Reading
commissioning team and West Berkshire and Wokingham to consider the
current key performance indicators. The
KPIs had been reviewed over the year.
Significant work had been undertaken to improve the
uptake of chlamydia testing for 15-24-year-olds. This had included an improved outreach service,
improving social media campaigns, attending University and
colleges, and enabling under 18s to access the service.
Following service user feedback
other improvements had included changes to
the opening hours at the clinic with late and early start times,
adoption of a walk-in and appointment services, and improving and
developing online services.
The Florey Clinic had established additional funding
for groups of service users such as refugee and asylum seekers and
the LGBTQA+ community.
Improvements were being undertaken to data and joint
working on KPIs with commissioning teams.
Additional work of the service had included
promotion of other services for high risk STIs by working with
universities, colleges, charities, and PRIDE, improvements in
outreach work, and new projects providing education sessions and
STI testing.
Other work was undertaken with social care and
police with staff members attending child exploitation
meetings. Also, dealing with mental
health and domestic violence concerns, as the service actively
asked about domestic violence and this
was often disclosed during private meetings with
The team had also continued to work with the Royal
Berkshire Hospital to improve opportunistic testing for sexually
transmitted infections and education on testing.
Reading had seen an increase in overall positive STI
diagnoses but this was less than seen nationally. However, STI
rates would be monitored and reviewed to consider any continued
Work of the service would continue to be supported
via the wider safe sex educational campaigns and prevention
activity commissioned by the local public health teams.
Work would also continue with the service provider
to assess and ensure the longer-term sustainability of the service
in the face of increasing activity and cost pressures.
The Committee thanked Martin, Rachel and
Alan for the information and requested that a future report be
provided on the work with young people and the sexual health
Resolved - That a further report/presentation be
provided to the Committee in 12 months and for it to include the
work being carried out with young people.